首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington >Naupliar development of Nitocra kavanovici (Copepoda, Harpacticoida)

Naupliar development of Nitocra kavanovici (Copepoda, Harpacticoida)

机译:Nitocra kavanovici(Copepoda,Harpacticoida)的发育

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All six naupliar stages of the harpacticoid copepod Nitocra karanovici are described. A key to the identification of the naupliar stages is provided. Stages can be distinguished by number of segments of the exopod of antenna 2, setation of the limbs including the bud of the caudal ramus, and presence and setation of the bud of maxilla 1. A particular naupliar character was found in the nauplii of N. karanovici that is in common for all Ameiridimorpha, except Ameiridae and otherwise not known from other Harpacticoida. This is a pair of bean-shaped, bare medial cuticular areas of the ventral body wall present in Parastenocarididae, Cylindropsyllidae, and as in Canthocamptus, Attheyella, Mor aria, and Mesochra of the Canthocampti-dae.
机译:描述了类立足类co足足纲尼托克拉·卡拉诺维奇的所有六个无节幼体阶段。提供了识别无节幼体阶段的关键。阶段可以通过触角2的外足节的段数来区分,四肢的位置(包括尾部支臂的芽)以及上颌1的芽的存在和设置。在N的无节幼体中发现了特殊的无节幼体特征。 karanovici,除伞形科(Ameiridae)以外,其他所有拟双形纲(Ameiridimorpha)都具有的共同特征,否则不会从其他Harpacticoida中得知。这是一对豆形,腹侧腹壁的裸露的表皮内侧区域,存在于副寄生虫科,纤支植物,以及坎坎普特犬的坎坎普图斯,Attheyella,Mor aria和Mesochra中。



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