首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington >Redescription of Nats inflata Liang (Annelida: Oligochaeta) from China

Redescription of Nats inflata Liang (Annelida: Oligochaeta) from China

机译:从中国重新命名的Nats inflata Liang(Annelida:Oligochaeta)

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Nais inflata Liang 1963 is redescribed on the basis of fully mature specimens collected from several localities of the Yangtze River and Yellow River. The observations and redescription resulting from the study of mature specimens supports N. inflata as a valid species. This species is characterized by a thickened body, the ventral crotchets all of the same type with distal tooth usually longer than proximal one, a greater number of dorsal chaetae per bundle, stout dorsal needles with equal minute bifid teeth (< 1 urn), presence of penial chaetae, and prostate glands on vasa deferentia instead of atria. The species is most closely related to N. communis Piguet, 1906 and N. variabilis Piguet, 1906. A table comparing allied species is provided.
机译:基于从长江和黄河几个地方采集的完全成熟的标本,对《奈斯膨胀》(Nais inflata Liang)1963进行了重新描述。对成熟标本的研究所产生的观测结果和重新描述支持将膨胀黄猪笼草作为有效物种。该物种的特点是身体变厚,腹侧rot全部相同类型,远端齿通常比近端齿长,每束背背壳数量更多,两等分双叉齿(<1 n)的粗壮背针,存在阴茎软疣和输精管而不是心房的前列腺。该物种与N. communis Piguet(1906年)和N. variabilis Piguet(1906年)关系最密切。提供了比较同盟物种的表格。



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