首页> 外文期刊>Veterinary Parasitology >Sarcocystis neurona retinochoroiditis in a sea otter (Enhydra lutris kenyoni)

Sarcocystis neurona retinochoroiditis in a sea otter (Enhydra lutris kenyoni)

机译:海獭中的肉囊性神经元视网膜脉络膜炎(Enhydra lutris kenyoni)

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Sarcocystis neurona is an important cause of fatal disease in sea otters in the USA. Encephalitis is the predominant lesion and parasites are confined to the central nervous system and muscles. Here we report retinochoroiditis in a sea otter (Enhydra lutris kenyoni) found dead on Copalis Beach, WA, USA. Salient lesions were confined to the brain and eye. Multifocal nonsuppurative meningoencephalitis was present in the cerebrum and cerebellum associated with S. neurona schizonts. The retina of one eye had a focus of inflammation that contained numerous S. neurona schizonts and merozoites. The focus extended from the retinal pigment epithelium inward through all layers of the retina, but inflammation was most concentrated at the inner surface of the tapetum and the outer retina. The inner and outer nuclear layers of the retina were disorganized and irregular at the site of inflammation. There was severe congestion and mild hemorrhage in the choroid, and mild hemorrhage into the vitreous body. Immunohistochemistry with S. neurona-specific polyclonal rabbit antibodies stained schizonts and merozoites. To our knowledge this is the first report of S. neurona-associated retinochoroiditis in any naturally infected animal
机译:在美国,水藻神经节是导致水獭致命疾病的重要原因。脑炎是主要病变,寄生虫仅限于中枢神经系统和肌肉。在这里,我们报告在美国华盛顿州科帕里斯海滩死去的海獭(Enhydra lutris kenyoni)中的脉络膜脉络膜炎。突出的病变仅限于大脑和眼睛。多灶性非化脓性脑膜脑炎存在于与裂殖酵母相关的大脑和小脑中。一只眼睛的视网膜有一个炎症灶,其中含有许多神经链球菌裂殖子和裂殖子。焦点从视网膜色素上皮向内延伸穿过视网膜的所有层,但炎症最集中在绒毡层的内表面和视网膜的外部。视网膜的内外核层在炎症部位杂乱无章。脉络膜有严重的充血和轻度出血,玻璃体轻度出血。免疫组织化学与神经链球菌特异性多克隆兔抗体染色裂殖体和裂殖子。据我们所知,这是任何自然感染动物中与链球菌相关的脉络膜脉络膜炎的首次报道。



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