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Evaluation of a new in-clinic method for the detection of canine heartworm antigen


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Canine heartworm is endemic in many parts of the world, and veterinarians rely on rapid in-clinic antigen tests to screen for this infection. Recently, an in-clinic, instrument-based rotor employing a colloidal gold agglutination immunoassay was launched in the marketplace (VetScan VS2 (R) Canine Heartworm (HW) Antigen Test Kit; Abaxis, Inc.). Because of the widespread use of heartworm prevention and possible false negative test results in dogs with low heartworm burdens, the performance of the VetScan VS2 (R) HW test and a commercially available in-clinic, membrane-based ELISA test (SNAP (R) Heartworm RT Test; IDEXX Laboratories) was compared using samples from dogs with low heartworm burdens and/or low levels of circulating antigen.Ninety serum samples were evaluated using the two methods. Testing was performed according to the manufacturer's product insert by personnel blinded to sample status. The samples were derived from two populations: dogs with necropsy-confirmed heartworm status (40 with 1-4 female worms, 30 with no worms), and field dogs (20) confirmed positive for antigen by microtiter plate ELISA (PetChek (R) Heartworm PF Antigen Test; IDEXX Laboratories). All 40 dogs with heartworms on necropsy were also confirmed to have circulating antigen by the PetChek HW ELISA.In necropsy-negative dogs (n = 30), neither the VetScan VS2 HW nor SNAP HW tests detected heartworm antigen. Of the samples testing positive for antigen by PetChek HW (n = 60), the VetScan VS2 HW and SNAP HW tests detected antigen in 15 and 56 samples, respectively. Percent agreement (plus 95% confidence interval) for each test relative to the PetChek HW qualitative result was 50% (40-60%) for VetScan VS2 HW and 96% (89-98%) for SNAP HW. Relative to the presence or absence of female worms at necropsy, agreement was 61% (50-72%) for VetScan VS2 HW and 99% (92-99.6%) for SNAP HW tests.It is clinically important that dogs with low heartworm burdens and/or low levels of circulating heartworm antigen be correctly identified by veterinarians in order to ensure prompt treatment, and the VetScan (R) VS2 HW test does not appear to be as accurate as the SNAP HW or PetChek HW tests when performed on this subset of patients
机译:犬心丝虫是世界许多地方的地方病,兽医依靠快速的临床抗原检测来筛查这种感染。最近,市场上推出了采用胶体金凝集免疫测定法的基于器械的临床转子(VetScan VS2(R)犬心丝虫(HW)抗原测试试剂盒; Abaxis,Inc.)。由于在心丝虫负担低的狗中广泛使用了预防心丝虫和可能产生假阴性结果的结果,VetScan VS2(R)HW测试和市售的基于膜的诊所内ELISA测试(SNAP(R))的性能使用心丝虫负荷低和/或循环抗原水平低的狗的样品比较了心丝虫RT试验(IDEXX实验室),使用这两种方法评估了90个血清样品。根据制造商的产品说明书,由不了解样品状态的人员进行测试。样本来自两个种群:具有尸检确认的心丝虫状态的狗(40只,其中有1-4只雌性蠕虫,30只,没有蠕虫),和野狗(20只)通过微量滴定板ELISA(PetChek(R)Heartworm)确认抗原阳性PF抗原测试; IDEXX实验室)。 PetChek HW ELISA还确认了所有40例尸体尸体中有丝虫的犬均具有循环抗原。在尸体阴性的犬中(n = 30),VetScan VS2 HW和SNAP HW均未检测到丝虫抗原。在通过PetChek HW检测抗原呈阳性的样本中(n = 60),VetScan VS2 HW和SNAP HW检测分别在15和56个样本中检测到抗原。相对于PetChek硬件定性结果,每个测试的一致性百分比(加上95%置信区间)对于VetScan VS2硬件为50%(40-60%),对于SNAP硬件为96%(89-98%)。相对于尸检时是否存在雌性蠕虫,VetScan VS2 HW的一致性为61%(50-72%),而SNAP HW测试的一致性为99%(92-99.6%)。兽医正确识别和/或检测到低水平的循环性丝虫抗原,以确保及时治疗,对这一子集进行的VetScan(R)VS2 HW测试似乎不如SNAP HW或PetChek HW测试准确的患者



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