首页> 外文期刊>Vegetation History and Archaeobotany >Human impacts on Persoonia falcata. Perspectives on post-contact vegetation change in the Keep River region, Australia, from contemporary vegetation surveys

Human impacts on Persoonia falcata. Perspectives on post-contact vegetation change in the Keep River region, Australia, from contemporary vegetation surveys

机译:人类对Persoonia falcata的影响。从当代植被调查看澳大利亚保持河地区接触后植被的变化

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Persoonia falcata R. Br. and Buchanania obovata Engl. seeds are consistently preserved in abundance from archaeological sites across the Keep River region from 3500 B. P. up until the contact period. Although artefacts continued to be deposited after establishment of the pastoral industry, remains of these two plant species disappear in the upper levels of all excavated deposits. The contemporary vegetation in the vicinity of these sites appears to lack P. falcata, although B. obovata remains in abundance. These observations raise questions regarding (1) the impact of changing land-use and fire regimes, (2) the impact of Aboriginal land management on particular plant species and (3) the reorientation of Aboriginal site use across the region aftersettlement. These issues are explored in this paper using a comparative analysis of stand structure of the contemporary vegetation around previously excavated sites, as well as from published information on recent regional fire history. Results show improved recruitment of P. falcata (that is, seedlings are recruited into adult life stages) in the only site where Aboriginal people have re-introduced customary management. Both the timing of burning and significant unburnt periods appear important to thepost-contact decline and also in the future success of populations of P. falcata in the region.
机译:Persoonia falcata R.Br.和Buchanania obovata Engl。从3500 B. P.直到接触期,种子一直在整个Keep River地区的考古遗址中大量保存。尽管在建立牧业之后,人工制品仍在沉积,但这两种植物的残留物在所有挖掘出的沉积物中都消失了。这些地点附近的现代植被似乎缺少镰刀假单胞菌,尽管ob.bovata仍然丰富。这些观察结果引起了以下问题:(1)土地使用和火灾制度变化的影响;(2)原住民土地管理对特定植物物种的影响;(3)安置后整个地区对原住民土地用途的重新定位。本文通过对先前发掘地点周围的现代植被的林分结构进行比较分析,以及从有关近期区域火灾历史的已公开信息中进行探讨,探讨了这些问题。结果表明,在原住民重新引入习惯管理的唯一地点,对恶性疟原虫的招募有所改善(也就是说,将幼苗招募到成年阶段)。燃烧的时机和显着的未燃烧时期对于接触后的减少以及对该地区P. falcata种群的未来成功都显得很重要。



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