首页> 外文期刊>Vegetation History and Archaeobotany >Geometric morphometric analysis of Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauv. (foxtail millet) and Brachiaria ramosa (L.) Stapf. (browntop millet) and its implications for understanding the biogeography of small millets

Geometric morphometric analysis of Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauv. (foxtail millet) and Brachiaria ramosa (L.) Stapf. (browntop millet) and its implications for understanding the biogeography of small millets

机译:狗尾草(Setaria italica)的几何形态计量学分析(狐尾粟)和臂状臂目(L.) (棕顶粟)及其对了解小粟的生物地理学的意义

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Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauv. (foxtail millet) was originally domesticated in northern China. The time and route of its introduction into South Asia is currently unclear due to the possible confusion with autochthonous Brachiaria ramosa (L.) Stapf. (browntop millet). Geometric morphometrics (GM) offer an alternative to traditional archaeobotanical methods to distinguish between these two small millet species. This study aims at finding a method to securely distinguish among charred caryopses of S. italica and B. ramosa, testing its validity on archaeobotanical assemblages and proposing a new approach for studying the dispersion of S. italica throughout Eurasia. Modern S. italica (n = 35) and B. ramosa (n = 34) caryopses and 15 archaeological specimens from a 5th millennium bp archaeological occupation site in northwestern India were analysed. Archaeological and modern caryopses (before and after charring) were photographed with a Leica EZ4D stereoscope, and TPSdig software was used to scale the photographs and manually apply a configuration of three landmarks and six semi-landmarks onto the contours of the embryos. Multivariate statistics were carried out to analyse the shape differences between modern S. italica and B. ramosa and to classify the archaeological specimens. The results show that the shape of the embryo of both species can be clearly distinguished using a GM-approach, both before and after charring. However, charring tends to smooth the shape differences between the two groups, which may affect the interpretation of archaeobotanical assemblages. The comparison between modern and archaeological caryopses suggests that S. italica was not present in northwestern India during the 5th millennium bp.
机译:斜纹狗尾草(L.)P.Beauv。 (狐尾粟)最初是在中国北方驯化的。由于可能与当地的Bracharia ramosa(L.)Stapf混淆,目前尚不清楚将其引入南亚的时间和途径。 (棕顶粟)。几何形态计量学(GM)提供了传统考古植物学方法的另一种选择,以区分这两种小米品种。这项研究的目的是找到一种方法,以安全地区分S.italica和B.ramosa的烧焦的章鱼,检验其在古植物组合中的有效性,并提出一种新的方法来研究S.italica在整个欧亚大陆的扩散。分析了来自印度西北部第5个千bp考古占领点的现代意大利链霉菌(n。35)和裸露芽孢杆菌(b。ramosa)(n = 34)以及15个考古标本。使用Leica EZ4D立体镜对考古和现代颈章鱼(炭化前后)进行拍照,并使用TPSdig软件对照片进行缩放,并将三个地标和六个半地标的配置手动应用到胚胎的轮廓上。进行了多变量统计,以分析现代斜纹夜蛾和裸露芽孢杆菌之间的形状差异,并对考古标本进行分类。结果表明,在炭化之前和之后,使用GM方法可以清楚地区分两种物种的胚形。但是,炭化倾向于使两组之间的形状差异变得平滑,这可能会影响古植物组合的解释。现代和考古上的章鱼的比较表明,在第5个千个基点的印度西北部就没有意大利链霉菌。



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