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Sebaceous adenitis in Havanese dogs: a retrospective study of the clinical presentation and incidence.


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Sebaceous adenitis is a suspected immune-mediated disease that targets and destroys sebaceous glands. This retrospective study evaluated the clinical presentation and incidence of sebaceous adenitis in Havanese dogs. Sebaceous adenitis was diagnosed in 35% (12 of 34) of Havanese dogs presented over a 5-year period. Onset of clinical signs occurred during young adulthood. Follicular casts were present in 92% (11 of 12) of affected dogs. Other common clinical signs included alopecia and hypotrichosis. The trunk, head and ears were commonly affected, with 67% (8 of 12) of cases having pinnal and/or external ear canal involvement. Secondary pyoderma was seen in 42% (5 of 12) of dogs. Histopathology revealed absent sebaceous glands in 83% (10 of 12) and a lymphoplasmacytic periadnexal infiltrate in 92% (11 of 12) of samples. Treatment included multiple modalities. Ciclosporin was prescribed in 83% (10 of 12) of cases. Other systemic therapies included vitamin A and fatty acid supplementation. Topical therapies included antiseborrhoeic shampoos and sprays, and oil soaks. Follow-up ranging from 2 months to 3 years was obtained in 67% (8 of 12) of dogs. Improvement ranged from minimal to marked, with better clinical response associated with longer duration of treatment. Owners with follow-up of more than 1 year commonly reported occasional flares of the clinical signs. This study found that sebaceous adenitis was a common diagnosis in Havanese dogs, that the ears were commonly affected and that a lymphoplasmacytic periadnexal infiltrate associated with absent sebaceous glands was frequently seen on dermatohistopathological examination.
机译:皮脂腺炎是一种可疑的免疫介导疾病,其靶向并破坏皮脂腺。这项回顾性研究评估了哈瓦那犬皮脂腺炎的临床表现和发病率。在5年的时间里,有35%(34只中的12只)Havanese狗被诊断出皮脂腺炎。在年轻成年期间发生临床体征。感染的狗中有92%(12之11)中有滤泡状铸型。其他常见的临床体征包括脱发和发育不良。躯干,头部和耳朵通常受到影响,其中67%(12个中的8个)患有耳廓和/或外耳道。在42%(12只中的5只)的狗中发现了继发性脓皮病。组织病理学检查发现83%(12个中的10个)中没有皮脂腺,而92%(12个中的11个)中有淋巴浆细胞性周围膜浸润。治疗包括多种方式。 83%(12分之10)的患者开了环孢素处方。其他全身疗法包括维生素A和脂肪酸补充。局部治疗包括抗脂溢性洗发水和喷雾剂以及油浸。 67%(12之8)的狗获得了2个月至3年的随访。改善范围从最小到显着,具有更好的临床反应和更长的治疗持续时间。随访超过1年的车主通常报告偶尔出现临床症状发作。这项研究发现皮脂腺炎是哈瓦那犬的一种常见诊断,耳朵通常受到感染,在皮肤组织病理学检查中经常见到与皮脂腺缺失相关的淋巴浆细胞性周围膜浸润。



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