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Multiple Paternity in Urban Norway Rats: Extended Ranging for Mates


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Norway rats are an abundant synanthropic species in urban settings and serve as reservoirs for many pathogens. Attempts to control their populations have met with little success. Recent genetic studies suggest that local populations are structured and few individuals move significant distances, but there is substantial gene flow. To understand these observations and their implications on control strategies, we genotyped 722 rats from 20 alleys in Baltimore to establish paternity for 180 embryos. Up to 88 males may have contributed to the litters. All litters were sired by 2 males, with an average of 4.9 (range 2-7) males. For dams and sires with known locations, most matings (71.7%; n=46) occurred among animals from different alleys. The average distance between sires and dams was 114 meters (range 8-352 meters). In 10/17 (58.8%) litters, the majority of the identified sires were captured in different alleys than the females. Sires were significantly less related to females than were the males captured in the females' alleys. Although rats may generally restrict their movements, either receptive females and/or breeding males engage in mate-seeking behaviors that extend beyond movement patterns at other times. This geographically extends the sizes of local populations and buffers them from the impacts of control strategies that focus on local infestations.
机译:挪威大鼠在城市环境中是丰富的合人类物种,可作为许多病原体的储存库。试图控制其人口的努力收效甚微。最近的遗传学研究表明,当地人口结构化,很少有人移动很远的距离,但基因流却很大。为了了解这些观察结果及其对控制策略的影响,我们对来自巴尔的摩20条小巷的722只大鼠进行了基因分型,以建立180个胚胎的亲子关系。可能有多达88位男性对这些垃圾有所贡献。所有垫料均由2头雄性所生,平均4.9头(范围为2-7头)。对于已知位置的水坝和公马,大多数交配(71.7%; n = 46)发生在来自不同小巷的动物中。父亲与母亲之间的平均距离为114米(8-352米)。在10/17(58.8%)的垫料中,大多数识别出的父系与雌性在不同的小巷中被捕获。与女性相比,在女性小巷中捕获的小公牛与男性的联系明显更少。尽管大鼠通常可能限制其运动,但雌性和/或育种的雄性都会进行寻求伴侣的行为,这种行为在其他时间超出了运动方式。这在地理上扩大了当地人口的规模,并使他们免受了以当地侵扰为重点的控制策略的影响。



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