首页> 外文期刊>Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology >Seasonal differences in cytokine expression in the skin of Shetland ponies suffering from insect bite hypersensitivity.

Seasonal differences in cytokine expression in the skin of Shetland ponies suffering from insect bite hypersensitivity.


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Insect bite hypersensitivity (IBH) in horses is a seasonal, IgE-mediated, pruritic skin disorder primarily caused by Culicoides spp. We hypothesize that a mixed Th2/Th1-type immune status, off season, alters into Th2-dominated immune reactivity in the skin of IBH-affected ponies in the IBH season. To study these immune response patterns Culicoides-specific IgE levels, skin histopathology and cytokine and transcription factor mRNA expression (IL4, IL10, IL13, IFN gamma , FoxP3 and CD3 zeta ) in lesional and non-lesional skin of ponies affected by IBH in the IBH season were compared with those of the same animals off season and those in skin of healthy ponies in both seasons. The present study revealed a significantly higher histopathology score in lesional skin of affected ponies than in non-lesional skin and skin of healthy ponies in the IBH season. Culicoides obsoletus-specific IgE serum levels of ponies with IBH were significantly higher than those in healthy ponies in both seasons. Interestingly, C. obsoletus-specific IgE serum levels within each group were the same in the IBH season and off season. The expression of IL4, IL13 and IFN gamma mRNA in skin biopsies in the IBH season showed a significant increase compared to off season in both skin derived from healthy control ponies (n=14) as well as in lesional and in non-lesional skin from IBH-affected animals (n=17). This apparently general up-regulation of cytokine expression during the IBH season directly correlated with an increased CD3 zeta mRNA expression in the skin, indicating an overall increased T cell influx during the summer months. The only significant difference observed between lesional skin from IBH-affected animals as compared to skin from healthy control animals in the IBH season was a lower expression of IL13/CD3 zeta in the affected animals. FoxP3 and IL10 levels were unaffected, except for a lower expression of FoxP3 in healthy control skin in the IBH season as compared to off season, In addition, the increased level of C. obsoletus-specific IgE did not correlate with higher histological scores in LE skin.
机译:马中的昆虫叮咬超敏反应(IBH)是季节性的,IgE介导的瘙痒性皮肤病,主要由Culicoides spp引起。我们假设淡季混合的Th2 / Th1型免疫状态在IBH季节改变为IBH感染小马皮肤中Th2为主的免疫反应性。为了研究这些免疫反应模式,在病变和非病变皮肤中均具有Culicoides特异的IgE水平,皮肤组织病理学以及细胞因子和转录因子mRNA表达(IL4,IL10,IL13,IFN gamma,FoxP3和CD3 zeta )将在IBH季节受IBH影响的小马数量与淡季相同动物和健康小马皮肤中的动物进行比较。本研究显示,在IBH季节,患病小马的病变皮肤的组织病理学评分明显高于非病变皮肤和健康小马的皮肤。在两个季节中,IBH的小马古柏特定IgE血清水平均显着高于健康小马。有趣的是,在IBH季节和淡季,每组中的C. obsoletus特异性IgE血清水平相同。 IBH季节皮肤活检组织中IL4,IL13和IFN gamma mRNA的表达与正常季节相比,在健康对照小马(n = 14)以及病变和非病变皮肤中均显着增加。受IBH感染的动物(n = 17)。 IBH季节期间这种细胞因子表达的普遍上调与皮肤中CD3 zeta mRNA表达的增加直接相关,表明夏季T细胞的总体流入增加。在IBH季节,从IBH感染的动物的病变皮肤与健康对照动物的皮肤之间观察到的唯一显着差异是,受影响的动物中IL13 / CD3 zeta 的表达较低。 FoxP3和IL10的水平不受影响,除了在IBH季节健康对照皮肤中的FoxP3表达低于休止季节外。此外,陈旧梭菌特异性IgE水平的升高与LE中较高的组织学评分无关皮肤。



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