首页> 外文期刊>Transplantation: Official Journal of the Transplantation Society >Tuberculosis in orthotopic liver transplant patients: increased toxicity of recommended agents; cure of disseminated infection with nonconventional regimens.

Tuberculosis in orthotopic liver transplant patients: increased toxicity of recommended agents; cure of disseminated infection with nonconventional regimens.


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BACKGROUND: Because increased hepatotoxicity was observed with first line antituberculous agents using four drug standard induction therapy in orthotopic liver transplant patients, we evaluated the efficacy and adverse effects of a novel continuation regimen for the treatment of tuberculosis in orthotopic liver transplant patients at a University Hospital in New York City. METHODS: The hospital records of all patients who were referred to Mount Sinai Hospital (n=924) and who underwent orthotopic liver transplant between September 1988 and May 1998 were reviewed. Data were collected from patient records. Nine orthotopic liver transplant patients (0.97%) developed tuberculosis over a 9.5-year period. A total of seven of nine (78%) patients had disseminated tuberculosis including two patients with meningitis. All mycobacterial isolates were sensitive to isoniazid, rifampin, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol. Standard induction therapy with three or four drugs was given for 2 months (mean). Hepatotoxicity related to the standard induction regimen developed in five of six (83.3%) patients. Liver biopsy during induction therapy revealed drug induced hepatitis in five of six (88%) patients and rejection in three of six (50%) patients. Continuation regimens consisted mainly of ethambutol and ofloxacin; mean length of therapy 9 months. RESULTS: Overall mortality was 33.3% (three of nine patients) over a 4.5-year follow-up period. Tuberculosis associated mortality was 22.2%. One patient died before therapy, another died with concomitant bacterial sepsis during induction therapy. Six of seven patients are alive and disease free. One patient died of recurrent hepatitis C and graft failure without evidence of tuberculous infection at death. Another patient retransplanted for chronic rejection, remains disease free at 1 year. The mean follow-up for six patients that completed treatment was 3.75 years (2.5-5.3 years). Six patients are free of tuberculosis. CONCLUSIONS: Our experience reveals that orthotopic liver transplant patients have poor tolerance for conventional therapy due to inherent toxicity of these agents and their concomitant bouts of organ rejection. Our nonconventional therapy yielded remarkably good results in that six patients, all with disseminated disease, were well after mean 3.5 years of follow-up. Consideration should be given to this novel follow-up therapy in patients without cavitary pulmonary disease who develop hepatotoxicity during induction.
机译:背景:由于使用四种药物标准诱导疗法的一线抗结核药物在原位肝移植患者中观察到肝毒性增加,因此我们在大学医院评估了一种新的持续治疗原位肝移植患者结核病的疗效和不良反应在纽约市。方法:回顾性分析了1988年9月至1998年5月间在西奈山医院转诊的所有患者(n = 924)并进行了原位肝移植。从患者记录中收集数据。 9名原位肝移植患者(0.97%)在9.5年的时间内患了肺结核。 9名患者中有7名(78%)播散了结核病,其中2名患有脑膜炎。所有分枝杆菌分离株均对异烟肼,利福平,吡嗪酰胺和乙胺丁醇敏感。给予三种或四种药物的标准诱导疗法,持续2个月(平均)。六名患者中有五名(83.3%)出现了与标准诱导方案相关的肝毒性。诱导治疗期间的肝活检显示,六分之三(88%)的患者中有药物引起的肝炎,六分之三(50%)的患者中有排斥反应。继续治疗方案主要由乙胺丁醇和氧氟沙星组成。平均治疗时间为9个月。结果:在4.5年的随访期内,总死亡率为33.3%(9例患者中的3例)。结核相关死亡率为22.2%。一名患者在治疗前死亡,另一名患者在诱导治疗期间死于细菌性败血症。 7名患者中有6名还活着并且没有疾病。一名患者死于丙型肝炎反复发作和移植失败,没有死亡时结核感染的迹象。另一位因慢性排斥反应而被移植的患者,在1年时仍然没有疾病。 6名完成治疗的患者的平均随访时间为3.75年(2.5-5.3年)。六名患者无结核病。结论:我们的经验表明,由于这些药物的固有毒性及其伴随的器官排斥反应,原位肝移植患者对常规治疗的耐受性较差。我们的非常规疗法取得了显着的良好效果,因为平均平均随访3.5年后,有6例均患有弥漫性疾病。对于没有空洞性肺疾病且在诱导过程中产生肝毒性的患者,应考虑采用这种新颖的后续治疗方法。



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