首页> 外文期刊>Transplantation: Official Journal of the Transplantation Society >Successful islet auto- and allotransplantation in diabetic pigs.

Successful islet auto- and allotransplantation in diabetic pigs.


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BACKGROUND: Because of its anatomical and physiological similarities to humans, the pig appears to be a suitable large animal model for preclinical studies of islet transplantation. The aim of this study was to investigate islet auto- and allotransplantation in a pig model with diabetes induced by total pancreatectomy. METHODS: Porcine islets were isolated by a continuous digestion-filtration device at 32 degrees C and purified by a discontinuous iso-osmolar Ficoll-sodium-diatrizoate gradient on a Cobe 2991. The purified islets were autografted into the liver or the renal subcapsular space. The liver appears to be a more suitable site for the islet grafts than the renal subcapsular space, and the minimal amount of islets for reversal of diabetes is >5 microl/kg of body weight. RESULTS: Persistent normoglycemia (fasting blood glucose level: 72.4+/-44.38 mg/dl) with a normal insulin secretion response to glucose stimulation was successfully achieved in five of six diabetic pigs by implanting a sufficient islet mass into the liver. Triple-drug immunosuppressive therapy with cyclosporine, azathioprine, and prednisolone did not prevent porcine islet allografts from experiencing early failure. However, the addition of 15-deoxyspergualin to the triple-drug immunosuppressive regimen significantly prolonged the function of the islet allografts. When antithymocyte globulin was added to the above-mentioned immunosuppressive drug regimen, the normoglycemic period was prolonged to more than 1 month (fasting blood glucose level: 75.4+/-17 mg/dl). CONCLUSION: We conclude that autotransplantation with a sufficient islet mass can induce normoglycemia with a normal insulin secretion response to glucose stimulation in pancreatectomized diabetic pigs and that allotransplantation can be successfully achieved when 15-deoxyspergualin and antithymocyte globulin are combined with the triple-drug immunosuppression described above. However, this immunosuppressive protocol results in a high rate of infectious complications.
机译:背景:由于其与人类的解剖和生理相似性,猪似乎是进行胰岛移植临床前研究的合适大型动物模型。这项研究的目的是研究全胰切除术诱发的糖尿病猪模型中的胰岛自体和同种异体移植。方法:通过连续消化过滤装置在32摄氏度下分离猪胰岛,并在Cobe 2991上通过不连续的等渗等渗Ficoll-重氮酸钠梯度纯化。将纯化的胰岛自体移植到肝脏或肾囊下腔。肝脏似乎是比肾包膜下腔更适合胰岛移植的部位,并且用于逆转糖尿病的胰岛的最小量为> 5微升/千克体重。结果:在六只糖尿病猪中,有五只通过向肝脏植入足够的胰岛物质成功地实现了持久性正常血糖(空腹血糖水平:72.4 +/- 44.38 mg / dl)和对葡萄糖刺激的正常胰岛素分泌反应。环孢素,硫唑嘌呤和泼尼松龙的三药免疫抑制疗法不能阻止猪胰岛同种异体移植早期失败。但是,在三药免疫抑制方案中添加15-脱氧精银素显着延长了胰岛同种异体移植的功能。当将抗胸腺细胞球蛋白添加到上述免疫抑制药物方案中时,血糖正常化时间延长至超过1个月(空腹血糖水平:75.4 +/- 17 mg / dl)。结论:我们得出结论,胰岛肿块的自体移植可诱导正常血糖的糖尿病小鼠正常血糖正常分泌,而胰岛素对葡萄糖刺激的胰岛素分泌反应正常,并且将15-脱氧精豆素和抗胸腺细胞球蛋白与所述三药免疫抑制联合使用可成功实现同种异体移植。以上。但是,这种免疫抑制方案导致感染并发症的发生率很高。



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