首页> 外文期刊>Tropical Animal Health and Production >Feed intake and growth performance of growing pigs fed on Acacia tortilis leaf meal treated with polyethylene glycol

Feed intake and growth performance of growing pigs fed on Acacia tortilis leaf meal treated with polyethylene glycol


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The objective of the study was to determine the response in feed intake and performance of pigs fed on incremental levels of polyethylene glycol (PEG). Forty-eighty male F-1 hybrid pigs were randomly allotted to six diets containing 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 g/kg of PEG, respectively. Acacia tortilis leaf meal was included at a rate of 150 g/kg. Each diet was offered ad libitum to eight pigs in individual pens. Average daily feed intake (ADFI), scaled feed intake (SFI), average daily gain (ADG), and gain to feed ratio (G:F) were determined weekly. The ADG showed a linear response to PEG (p 0.01). The linear regression equation was y = 0.0061x + 0.6052 (R (2) = 0.64). There was a quadratic response to PEG on ADFI, and SFI (p 0.01) and G:F (p > 0.05). The regression equations and R (2) values were as follows: ADFI y = 0.0008x (2) -aEuro parts per thousand 00086x + 1.2339 (R (2) = 0.96), SFI y = 0.0147x (2) -aEuro parts per thousand 0.2349x + 40.096 (R (2) = 0.95), and G:F ratio y = 0.0002x (2) -aEuro parts per thousand 0.0017x + 0.5168 (R (2) = 0.56). The ADFI, SFI, and ADG increased as weeks of feeding progressed (p 0.01), but the G:F ratio decreased as weeks increased. It can be concluded that the relationship between PEG inclusion and performance of growing pigs fed on A. tortilis is exponential, rather than linear. The economic benefit of using PEG depend on cost of labor, availability of Acacia, costs of harvesting together with processing, and acceptability of the pork.
机译:该研究的目的是确定以增量水平的聚乙二醇(PEG)喂养的猪的采食量和生产性能的反应。将48只雄性F-1杂种猪随机分配给六种日粮,分别包含0、5、10、15、20和25 g / kg PEG。包括150g / kg的比率的相思树粉。每种饮食可随意喂给八头猪,每只围栏。每周测定平均每日采食量(ADFI),定额采食量(SFI),平均日增重(ADG)和增重与饲料比例(G:F)。 ADG显示出对PEG的线性响应(p <0.01)。线性回归方程为y = 0.0061x + 0.6052(R(2)= 0.64)。对ADFI,SFI(p <0.01)和G:F(p> 0.05)的PEG产生二次响应。回归方程和R(2)值如下:ADFI y = 0.0008x(2)-aEuro千分之一00086x + 1.2339(R(2)= 0.96),SFI y = 0.0147x(2)-aEuro千分之一千个0.2349x + 40.096(R(2)= 0.95),G:F比y = 0.0002x(2)-a欧元千分之一0.0017x + 0.5168(R(2)= 0.56)。 ADFI,SFI和ADG随着喂养周的增加而增加(p <0.01),但是G:F比随着喂养周的增加而降低。可以得出结论,PEG包涵体与以曲霉为食的生长猪的生长性能之间的关系是指数的,而不是线性的。使用PEG的经济利益取决于劳动力成本,相思树的可获得性,收割和加工的成本以及猪肉的可接受性。



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