首页> 外文期刊>Tropical Medicine and International Health: TM and IH >Migration and access to maternal healthcare: Determinants of adequate antenatal care and institutional delivery among socio-economically disadvantaged migrants in Delhi, India

Migration and access to maternal healthcare: Determinants of adequate antenatal care and institutional delivery among socio-economically disadvantaged migrants in Delhi, India


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Objective: To identify the determinants of adequate antenatal care (ANC) utilisation and institutional deliveries among socio-economically disadvantaged migrants living in Delhi, India. Methods: In a cross-sectional survey, 809 rural-urban migrant mothers with a child aged below 2 years were interviewed with a pretested questionnaire. Data on receiving antenatal, delivery and post-natal services, migration history and other social, demographic and income were collected. Results: Recent migrants used the services significantly less than settled migrants. ANC was adequate only among 37% (35% of recent migrant women and 39% of settled migrants). Multinomial regression revealed that being a recent migrant, multiparous, illiterate and married to an unskilled worker were significant risk factors for receiving inadequate ANC. Around 53% of deliveries took place at home. ANC seeking has a strong influence on place of delivery: 70% of births to women who received inadequate ANC were at home. Women who are educated, had their first delivery after the age of 20 years and received adequate ANC were more likely to deliver their child in hospital. Post-natal care is grossly neglected among these groups. Conclusion: Migrant women, particularly recent migrants, are at the risk of not receiving adequate maternal healthcare. Because migration is a continuing phenomenon, measures to mitigate disadvantage due to migration need to be taken in the healthcare system.
机译:目的:确定居住在印度德里的社会经济上处于不利地位的移民是否充分利用产前保健(ANC)和进行机构分娩的决定因素。方法:在一项横断面调查中,对809名年龄在2岁以下的儿童的城乡移民母亲进行了预先测试的问卷调查。收集了有关接受产前,分娩和产后服务,移民史以及其他社会,人口和收入的数据。结果:新移民对服务的使用明显少于定居移民。 ANC仅在37%(35%的新移民妇女和39%的定居移民)中足够。多项式回归显示,作为新移民,多胎,文盲和已婚的非熟练工人是接受ANC不足的重要危险因素。大约有53%的交付是在家里进行的。 ANC寻求对分娩地点有很大影响:ANC不足的妇女中有70%的分娩是在家中。受过教育的妇女,20岁以后第一次分娩并获得适当的ANC的妇女更有可能将孩子送到医院。在这些人群中,产后护理被严重忽视。结论:移徙妇女,特别是新近移民的妇女有没有得到适当孕产妇保健的风险。由于迁移是一种持续现象,因此需要在医疗保健系统中采取措施以减轻由于迁移造成的不利影响。



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