首页> 外文期刊>Tropical Medicine and International Health: TM and IH >Misclassification of pregnancy-related deaths in adult mortality surveys: Case study in Senegal

Misclassification of pregnancy-related deaths in adult mortality surveys: Case study in Senegal


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Objective: In countries with limited vital registration data, maternal mortality levels are often estimated using siblings' survival histories (SSH) collected during retrospective adult mortality surveys. We explored how accurately adult deaths can be classified as pregnancy related using such data. Method: The study was conducted in a rural area of south-eastern Senegal with high maternal mortality, Bandafassi. We used data from a demographic surveillance system (DSS) in this area to identify deaths of women at reproductive ages between 2003 and 2009 and to locate the surviving adult sisters of the deceased and interview them. Siblings' survival histories were linked at the individual level to death records, and verbal autopsy data obtained by the demographic surveillance system. We compared the classification of adult female deaths as pregnancy related or not in interviews and DSS records. Results: There were 91 deaths at reproductive ages in the Bandafassi DSS between 2003 and 2009, but only 59 had known surviving sisters. Some deaths were omitted by respondents, or reported as alive or as having occurred during childhood (n = 8). Among deaths reported both in the SSH and DSS data, 94% of deaths classified as pregnancy related in the DSS data were also classified as such by siblings' survival histories. Only 70% of deaths classified as not pregnancy related in the DSS data were also classified as such by siblings' survival histories. Conclusion: Misclassifications of pregnancy-related deaths in retrospective adult mortality surveys may affect estimates of pregnancy-related mortality rates.
机译:目的:在生命登记数据有限的国家中,通常使用回顾性成人死亡率调查中收集的兄弟姐妹的生存历史(SSH)来估算孕产妇死亡率。我们使用这些数据探讨了将成年人死亡归为与妊娠相关的准确程度的方法。方法:该研究在塞内加尔东南部农村地区,产妇死亡率很高,班达法西。我们使用了该地区的人口监测系统(DSS)的数据来确定2003年至2009年之间育龄妇女的死亡情况,并找到死者的尚存成年姐妹并进行访谈。兄弟姐妹的生存历史在个人层面与死亡记录以及人口统计系统获得的口头验尸数据相关联。我们在访谈和DSS记录中比较了成年女性死亡与怀孕有关或与怀孕无关的分类。结果:2003年至2009年之间,班达法西DSS死于生殖年龄的有91人,但只有59人知道尚存的姐妹。被调查者忽略了一些死亡,或者说死亡是活着的,或者是在儿童时期发生的(n = 8)。在SSH和DSS数据中均报告的死亡中,在DSS数据中归类为与妊娠有关的死亡中,有94%也通过兄弟姐妹的生存史进行了归类。 DSS数据中,只有70%的与妊娠无关的死亡也通过兄弟姐妹的生存历史进行了分类。结论:回顾性成人死亡率调查中与妊娠相关的死亡分类错误可能会影响与妊娠相关的死亡率估计。



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