首页> 外文期刊>Tropical Animal Health and Production >Wool traits of three sympatric sheep populations in Chiapas Region, Mexico.

Wool traits of three sympatric sheep populations in Chiapas Region, Mexico.


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A total of 344 pure animals, representing seven American and South European breeds (White Chiapas Blanca, Brown Chiapas Cafe, Black Chiapas Negra, Churra Badana, Churra da Terra Quente, Chilean Latxa, and Spanish Merino), were randomly sampled and wool evaluated for isoalcohol scouring yield, length, and proportion for each type of fiber (long-thick, short-thin, and kemp), average of fiber diameter, and F30 (percentage of fibers with a diameter of >30 micro m). The objective of this study was to characterize these breeds according to their wool traits. A low percentage of the phenotypic variability in the analyzed animals was due to differences among breeds, and that the largest part of that variability is due to differences within breeds. The obtained topology in the principal coordinates analysis showed the grouping of the three Chiapas breeds clearly separated, but the similarity with their original breed was only evident for Brown Chiapas Cafe. The three Chiapas sheep breeds must be regarded as clearly sympatric populations.Digital Object Identifier http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11250-012-0216-z
机译:随机抽取了代表七个美国和南欧品种(白恰帕斯布朗卡,布朗恰帕斯咖啡馆,黑恰帕斯内格拉,库拉巴达纳,库拉达特拉昆特,智利拉特萨和西班牙美利奴羊)的纯种动物,并对羊毛进行了评估。每种纤维(长纤维,短纤维和粗纤维)的异醇精练收率,长度和比例,纤维直径的平均值和F30(直径> 30微米的纤维的百分比)。这项研究的目的是根据它们的羊毛特性来表征它们。在分析的动物中,表型变异的百分比较低是由于品种之间的差异所致,而这种变异的最大部分是由于品种之间的差异所致。在主坐标分析中获得的拓扑结构表明,三个恰帕斯州品种的分组清楚地分开了,但是与它们的原始品种的相似性仅在布朗恰帕斯州咖啡馆很明显。恰帕斯州的三个绵羊品种必须清楚地视为同胞种群。数字对象标识符http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11250-012-0216-z



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