首页> 外文期刊>Tropical Medicine and International Health: TM and IH >Correlates of HIV testing among women in Malawi: results from the 2006 Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey.

Correlates of HIV testing among women in Malawi: results from the 2006 Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey.


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We report a study of women 15-49 years aimed at assessing correlates of HIV testing and having received test results in a nationally representative survey of women in Malawi. A total of 26 259 women were recruited into the study, of whom 3712 (14.1%) had ever been tested for HIV infection and received their results. We found that age and education were not significantly associated with HIV testing but marital status, wealth, region were. Contrary to our expectations that women who had delivered a child were more likely to have been ever tested when accessing prenatal and intra-partum care, we found that women who had delivered a child in the 2 years before the survey were less likely to have ever been tested. We suggest that by 2006 when the survey was conducted, prenatal and intra-partum care were not important avenues for HIV testing in Malawi.
机译:我们报告了一项针对15-49岁女性的研究,旨在评估HIV检测的相关性,并在马拉维全国代表性的女性调查中获得了检测结果。总共招募了26 259名妇女参加研究,其中3712名妇女(14.1%)曾经接受过HIV感染测试并获得了结果。我们发现年龄和受教育程度与艾滋病毒检测没有显着相关,但婚姻状况,财富,地区却与此相关。与我们预期分娩的妇女更有可能在接受产前和产后护理时接受过检查的预期相反,我们发现在调查前的两年内分娩的妇女不太可能接受过检查。经过测试。我们建议,到2006年进行调查时,产前和产时护理并不是马拉维进行HIV检测的重要途径。



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