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Relationship of PTSD Symptoms With Combat Exposure, Stress, and Inflammation in American Soldiers


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Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is of great concern in veterans. PTSD usually occurs after a person is exposed to death, threatened death, actual or threatened serious injury, or actual or threatened sexual violence. Active duty soldiers deployed to war zones are at risk for PTSD. Psychoneuroimmunological theory predicts that PTSD, depression, and stress can lead to low-grade, chronic inflammation. We asked whether there were relationships between PTSD symptoms and chronic stress, depression and inflammation in active duty U.S. soldiers. We enrolled 52 active duty enlisted and reservist soldiers in a cross-sectional study while they participated in a week of military training in fall 2011. They completed a demographic questionnaire, the Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression Scale, the Combat Exposure Scale, and the PTSD symptom Checklist-Military version (PCL-M). Blood samples were taken for analysis of cytokines and C-reactive protein (CRP). Hair samples shaved from the forearm were measured for cortisol. Of the soldiers, 11 had PCL-M scores in the moderate to severe range. Regression analysis demonstrated that depression and war zone deployment were strong predictors of PTSD symptoms. CRP and hair cortisol were correlated with each other and with depression and PTSD symptoms. These results suggest relationships among war zone deployment, depression, and PTSD. Chronic stress associated with depression, PTSD, and war zone experiences may be related to inflammation in active duty soldiers.
机译:创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)在退伍军人中引起极大关注。创伤后应激障碍通常发生在一个人遭受死亡,威胁死亡,实际或威胁严重伤害,或实际或威胁性暴力之后。部署到战区的现役士兵有遭受PTSD的危险。心理神经免疫学理论预测,PTSD,抑郁和压力会导致低度的慢性炎症。我们询问现役美军的PTSD症状与慢性压力,抑郁和炎症之间是否存在关系。我们招募了52名现役现役和预备役士兵参加横断面研究,而他们在2011年秋季参加了为期一周的军事训练。他们完成了人口统计问卷,流行病学研究中心抑郁量表,战斗暴露量表和PTSD症状清单-军事版本(PCL-M)。抽取血样分析细胞因子和C反应蛋白(CRP)。测量从前臂刮下来的头发样品中的皮质醇。在这些士兵中,有11人的PCL-M分数在中度至重度范围内。回归分析表明,抑郁症和战区部署是PTSD症状的强烈预测指标。 CRP和头发皮质醇彼此相关,并且与抑郁和PTSD症状相关。这些结果表明了战区部署,萧条和PTSD之间的关系。与抑郁症,创伤后应激障碍和战区经历相关的慢性应激可能与现役士兵的炎症有关。



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