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Sero-epidemiological study of kala-azar in a village of Varanasi district, India.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate five kala-azar serological tests for field use. METHOD: Serological survey in Pandit Ka Purva village in Varanasi district, India, using Sia water test, aldehyde test, direct agglutination test (DAT), micro-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and dot-ELISA. RESULTS: The total population of the village was 518, 67 of whom showed typical clinical and parasitological features of kala-azar, including seven who died. The age distribution of kala-azar cases showed significant differences, being highest among the 45-54-year age group. The disease was more prevalent among males. Serum samples were collected from 498 persons (96% of total population) including 67 kala-azar cases and 40 disease controls (malaria, TB, leprosy, typhoid). Ten 10 serum samples from healthy controls living in endemic area were also collected. The test sensitivities were: Sia water test, 85.0%; aldehyde test, 62.7%; DAT, 94.0%; micro-ELISA, 91.0% and dot-ELISA, 97.0%. The test specificities were: Sia watertest 92.5%, aldehyde test, 93.2%, DAT, 96.7; micro-ELISA, 97.6% and dot-ELISA, 98.4%. CONCLUSION: The dot-ELISA is highly sensitive and specific, cheap, and easy to interpret with the naked eye, making it a powerful screening test for the surveillance and diagnosis of Indian kala-azar at field level.
机译:目的:评估用于现场使用的五种黑热病血清学测试。方法:使用Sia水测试,醛测试,直接凝集测试(DAT),微酶联免疫吸附测定(ELISA)和斑点ELISA对印度瓦拉纳西地区的Pandit Ka Purva村庄进行血清学调查。结果:该村总人口518,其中67人具有典型的临床特征和寄生虫学特征,其中7人死亡。黑热病病例的年龄分布存在显着差异,在45-54岁年龄组中最高。该病在男性中更为普遍。收集了498人(占总人口的96%)的血清样本,包括67例黑热病病例和40例疾病对照(疟疾,结核病,麻风,伤寒)。还从居住在流行地区的健康对照中收集了10个血清样本。测试灵敏度为:Sia水测试,85.0%;醛测试,62.7%; DAT,94.0%;微量ELISA(91.0%)和点ELISA(97.0%)。测试特异性为:Sia水测试为92.5%,醛测试为93.2%,DAT为96.7;微量ELISA占97.6%,斑点ELISA占98.4%。结论:点酶联免疫吸附测定法灵敏度高,特异性强,价格便宜并且易于用肉眼解释,使其成为在现场监测和诊断印度黑热病的有力筛选方法。



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