首页> 外文期刊>Tropical Medicine and International Health: TM and IH >Hantaan virus antibody prevalence in rodent populations of several provinces of northeastern Thailand.

Hantaan virus antibody prevalence in rodent populations of several provinces of northeastern Thailand.


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We conducted a serological survey of 632 rodents from the northeast region of Thailand in order to assess the presence of Hantaan-like viruses that may be a risk to the human population. Rodents were collected from rice fields, houses and domestic gardens in five northeastern provinces and tested for IgG reacting sera to Hantaan antigen using enzyme-linked immunoassays. The overall prevalence of Hantavirus infection in rodents was 2.1% (13/632). Species that tested positive included Bandicota indica (4.3% positive within species), Rattus exulans (2.1%), R. losea (1.6%) and R. rattus (0.9%). Species such as R. exulans and R. losea are candidate hosts of unidentified Hantaan-like viruses in Thailand.
机译:我们对来自泰国东北部地区的632只啮齿动物进行了血清学调查,以评估是否存在像汉坦病毒一样的病毒,这些病毒可能对人类造成威胁。从东北五个省的稻田,房屋和家庭花园中收集啮齿动物,并使用酶联免疫测定法检测血清与汉坦抗原的IgG反应。汉坦病毒在啮齿动物中的总体感染率为2.1%(13/632)。测试呈阳性的物种包括印度Band(Bandicota indica)(物种内为4.3%阳性),褐家鼠(Rattus exulans)(2.1%),罗氏梭菌(R. Losa)(1.6%)和褐家鼠(R. rattus)(0.9%)。像R. exulans和R. Losa这样的物种是泰国身份不明的类似汉坦病毒的候选宿主。



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