首页> 外文期刊>Biological research for nursing >Influence of D,L-Sotalol on Baroreflex Sensitivity Response to Posture Following Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery in Men and Women

Influence of D,L-Sotalol on Baroreflex Sensitivity Response to Posture Following Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery in Men and Women


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Low baroreflex sensitivity (BRS) following coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery increases the risk of sympathetically mediated cardiac arrhythmias. To reduce this risk, d,l-sotalol, a nonselective β-adrenergic receptor antagonist (Class II) and an antiarrhythmic (Class III), is prescribed postoperatively. However, its effect on BRS has not been reported. The purpose of this study was to characterize the influence of d,l-sotalol on BRS measures in supine and standing postures 4 days following CABG surgery. BRS was measured in 27 men and 10 women receiving d,l-sotalol and compared with archival data for 21 men and 10 women obtained prior to the routine administration of d,l-sotalol. In the latter (control) group, 61% had BRS of less than 3 ms/mmHg in the supine posture and 74% in the standing posture compared to 42% with less than 3 ms/mmHg in the supine posture and 65% in the standing posture in the d,l-sotalol group. Men in the d,l-sotalol group showed higher R-R interval and BRS in both supine and standing postures compared with controls. Women in the d,l-sotalol group had higher R-R interval in the supine posture. The higher BRS in men not only reduces the risk of arrhythmias after CABG surgery but may also allow a more rapid circulatory response to the standing posture, thereby decreasing the risk of syncope.
机译:冠状动脉旁路移植术(CABG)手术后的低压力反射敏感性(BRS)增加了交感神经介导的心律不齐的风险。为了降低这种风险,术后开具了d,l-索他洛尔,一种非选择性β-肾上腺素能受体拮抗剂(II类)和抗心律不齐药物(III类)。但是,其对BRS的影响尚未见报道。这项研究的目的是表征在CABG手术后4天,仰卧和站立姿势中d,l-索他洛尔对BRS测量的影响。在接受d,l-索他洛尔治疗的27名男性和10名妇女中测量了BRS,并与在常规给药d,l-索他洛尔之前获得的21名男性和10名妇女的档案数据进行了比较。在后一组(对照组)中,有61%的仰卧位BRS低于3 ms / mmHg,站立时的BRS低于74%,而42%的仰卧位BRS低于3 ms / mmHg且BRS低于6ms d,l-索他洛尔组的站立姿势。与对照组相比,d,l-索他洛尔组的男性在仰卧和站立姿势下均表现出较高的R-R间隔和BRS。 d,l-索他洛尔组的女性仰卧姿势的R-R间隔较高。男性较高的BRS不仅可以降低CABG手术后发生心律不齐的风险,还可以使站立姿势的循环反应更快,从而降低晕厥的风险。



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