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Acute undifferentiated febrile illness in adult hospitalized patients: the disease spectrum and diagnostic predictors - an experience from a tertiary care hospital in South India.


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Local prevalences of individual diseases influence the prioritization of the differential diagnoses of a clinical syndrome of acute undifferentiated febrile illness (AFI). This study was conducted in order to delineate the aetiology of AFI that present to a tertiary hospital in southern India and to describe disease-specific clinical profiles. An 1-year prospective, observational study was conducted in adults (age >16 years) who presented with an undifferentiated febrile illness of duration 5-21 days, requiring hospitalization. Blood cultures, malarial parasites and febrile serology (acute and convalescent), in addition to clinical evaluations and basic investigations were performed. Comparisons were made between each disease and the other AFIs. A total of 398 AFI patients were diagnosed with: scrub typhus (47.5%); malaria (17.1%); enteric fever (8.0%); dengue (7.0%); leptospirosis (3.0%); spotted fever rickettsiosis (1.8%); Hantavirus (0.3%); alternate diagnosis (7.3%); and unclear diagnoses (8.0%). Leucocytosis, acute respiratory distress syndrome, aseptic meningitis, mild serum transaminase elevation and hypoalbuminaemia were independently associated with scrub typhus. Normal leukocyte counts, moderate to severe thrombocytopenia, renal failure, splenomegaly and hyperbilirubinaemia with mildly elevated serum transaminases were associated with malaria. Rash, overt bleeding manifestations, normal to low leukocyte counts, moderate to severe thrombocytopenia and significantly elevated hepatic transaminases were associated with dengue. Enteric fever was associated with loose stools, normal to low leukocyte counts and normal platelet counts. It is imperative to maintain a sound epidemiological database of AFIs so that evidence-based diagnostic criteria and treatment guidelines can be developed.
机译:个别疾病的局部患病率影响急性未分化发热性疾病(AFI)临床综合征的鉴别诊断的优先级。进行这项研究的目的是描述印度南部一家三级医院出现的AFI的病因,并描述特定疾病的临床概况。这项为期1年的前瞻性观察性研究是针对成年人(年龄> 16岁),他们患有持续5-21天的未分化发热性疾病,需要住院治疗。除了临床评估和基础研究外,还进行了血液培养,疟疾寄生虫和高热血清学检查(急性和恢复期)。在每种疾病和其他AFI之间进行了比较。总共398名AFI患者被诊断为:斑疹伤寒(47.5%);疟疾(17.1%);肠热(8.0%);登革热(7.0%);钩端螺旋体病(3.0%);点状立克次体病发烧(1.8%);汉坦病毒(0.3%);替代诊断(7.3%);诊断不明确(8.0%)。白细胞增多症,急性呼吸窘迫综合征,无菌性脑膜炎,轻度血清转氨酶升高和低白蛋白血症与斑疹伤寒独立相关。正常的白细胞计数,中度至重度血小板减少,肾衰竭,脾肿大和高胆红素血症以及血清转氨酶轻度升高与疟疾有关。皮疹,皮疹,明显的出血表现,白细胞计数正常至低,中度至重度血小板减少和肝转氨酶显着升高与登革热有关。肠热与大便稀疏,白细胞计数正常至低和血小板计数正常有关。必须保持一个健全的AFI流行病学数据库,以便可以制定基于证据的诊断标准和治疗指南。



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