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Diseases and Pests of Citrus (Citrus spp.)

机译:柑橘的病虫害(Citrus spp。)

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Citrus spp. are susceptible to a number of destructive diseases that are continuously emerging and which can severely limit production or totally decimate an industry of a country. There is the well known tristeza caused by the Citrus tristeza virus,the crippling bacterial citrus huanglongbing (Candidatus Liberibacter) and canker (Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri). Among fungal diseases, soil-borne infections caused by Phytophthora and postharvest pathogens are widespread and lead to heavy yield losses. Several species of phytonematodes have been detected in citrus rhizosphere, but the economic importance is known for only a few species. Tylenchulus semipenetrans occurs worldwide and can reduce yields when populations are dense. Other nematodes oflocal or regional importance include Radopholus citrophilus, Belonolaimus longicaudatus and species of Pratylenchus and Meloidogyne. Numerous species of insects have attained pest status at various locations at different times because of the damage theycause on citrus trees and fruits and the pathogens they transmit. Lepidopterans of major importance are Papilio spp., particularly the lime swallowtail butterfly, Papilio demoleus, which has recently invaded the western hemisphere. Larvae of coleopterans, Exophthalmus and Pachnaeus spp. cause extensive root damage, while adults damage young leaves. Of the aphid and psyllid species, Toxoptera citricida and Diaphorina citri, are considered as potentially the most dangerous at this time because they serveas vectors for Citrus tristeza virus and huanglongbing. This paper presents an overview of the important pathogens and pests limiting citrus production, diseases they elicit, genetic structure and diversity, and factors contributing to their emergence.
机译:柑橘属易患多种破坏性疾病,这些疾病不断出现,可能严重限制生产或完全破坏一个国家的产业。众所周知,由柑橘柑橘病毒,致残的细菌柑橘黄龙病(Candidatus Liberibacter)和溃疡病(Xanthomonas axonopodis pv。citri)引起的菌丝。在真菌疾病中,由疫霉和收获后病原体引起的土壤传播感染十分普遍,并导致严重的单产损失。在柑橘的根际中已经发现了几种植物线虫,但是只有少数几种具有经济重要性。 Tylenchulus semipenetrans遍布世界各地,当种群密集时会降低单产。其他具有地方或区域重要性的线虫包括Radopholus citrophilus,Belonolaimus longicaudatus和Pratylenchus和Meloidogyne。由于它们对柑橘树和水果造成损害,并传播其病原体,因此许多昆虫在不同时间,不同地点都具有有害生物的地位。最重要的鳞翅目是Papilio spp。,尤其是最近入侵西半球的石灰燕尾蝶Papilio demoleus。鞘翅目,眼球突触菌和Pachnaeus spp的幼虫。造成广泛的根部损害,而成年者损害幼叶。目前,在蚜虫和木虱物种中,柠檬粉虱和柠檬黄可能是最危险的,因为它们可作为柑橘柑橘和黄龙病的媒介。本文概述了限制柑桔生产的重要病原体和害虫,它们引起的疾病,遗传结构和多样性以及促成它们出现的因素。



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