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Coordination between growth, phenology and carbon storage in three coexisting deciduous tree species in a temperate forest


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In deciduous trees growing in temperate forests, bud break and growth in spring must rely on intrinsic carbon (C) reserves. Yet it is unclear whether growth and C storage occur simultaneously, and whether starch C in branches is sufficient for refoliation. To test in situ the relationships between growth, phenology and C utilization, we monitored stem growth, leaf phenology and stem and branch nonstructural carbohydrate (NSC) dynamics in three deciduous species: Carpinus betulus L., Fagus sylvatica L. and Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl. To quantify the role of NSC in C investment into growth, a C balance approach was applied. Across the three species, >95% of branchlet starch was consumed during bud break, confirming the importance of C reserves for refoliation in spring. The C balance calculation showed that 90% of the C investment in foliage (7.0-10.5 kg tree(-1) and 5-17 times the C needed for annual stem growth) was explained by simultaneous branchlet starch degradation. Carbon reserves were recovered sooner than expected, after leaf expansion, in parallel with stem growth. Carpinus had earlier leaf phenology (by similar to 25 days) but delayed cambial growth (by similar to 15 days) than Fagus and Quercus, the result of a competitive strategy to flush early, while having lower NSC levels.
机译:在温带森林中生长的落叶乔木中,春季的芽断裂和生长必须依靠内在的碳(C)储备。尚不清楚生长和碳储存是否同时发生,以及分支中的淀粉C是否足以进行再叶化尚不清楚。为了原位测试生长,物候和碳利用之间的关系,我们监测了三种落叶树种:桦木(Carpinus betulus L.),青冈(Fagus sylvatica L.)和栎栎(Quercus petraea,马特)的茎生长,叶片物候以及茎和枝的非结构性碳水化合物(NSC)动态。 。)Liebl。为了量化NSC在C投入到增长中的作用,采用了C平衡方法。在这三个物种中,芽断裂期间消耗了95%以上的小枝淀粉,这证实了C储量对于春季再造的重要性。碳平衡的计算表明,叶子中90%的碳投入(7.0-10.5千克树(-1)和每年茎生长所需的碳的5-17倍)可以通过小枝淀粉的同时降解来解释。叶片扩张后,与茎生长同时进行,碳储量的恢复比预期的要早。 Carpinus的叶片物候较早(约25天),但冈比亚的生长延迟(约15天)比Fagus和Quercus快,这是竞争性策略,可尽早冲水,同时降低NSC水平。



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