首页> 外文期刊>Tree Physiology >Developmental contributions to phenotypic variation in functional leaf traits within quaking aspen clones

Developmental contributions to phenotypic variation in functional leaf traits within quaking aspen clones


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Phenotypic variation in plant traits is strongly influenced by genetic and environmental factors. Over the life span of trees, developmental factors may also strongly influence leaf phenotypes. The objective of this study was to fill gaps in our understanding of developmental influences on patterns of phenotypic trait variation among different-aged ramets within quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) clones. We hypothesized that phenotypic variation in leaf functional traits is strongly influenced by developmental cues as trees age. We surveyed eight aspen clones, each with eight distinct age classes ranging from 1 to 160 years in age, and selected three ramets per age class for sample collection. Leaf traits measured included photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, water use efficiency, specific leaf area, and concentrations of N, phosphorus, sucrose, starch, condensed tannins and phenolic glycosides. Using regression analysis, we examined the relationships between ramet age and expression of leaf functional traits. The data showed significant correlations between ramet age and 10 of the 12 phenotypic traits measured. Eight of the phenotypic traits demonstrated a non-linear relationship in which large changes in phenotype occurred in the early stages of ramet development and stabilized thereafter. Water relations, nutrient concentration, leaf gas exchange and phenolic glycosides tended to decrease from early to late development, whereas sucrose, condensed tannin concentrations and water use efficiency increased with ramet age. We hypothesize that ontogenetically derived phenotypic variation leads to fitness differentials among different-aged ramets, which may have important implications for clone fitness. Age-related increases in phenotypic diversity may partially underlie aspen's ability to tolerate the large environmental gradients that span its broad geographical range.
机译:植物性状的表型变异受遗传和环境因素的强烈影响。在树木的生命周期中,发育因子也可能强烈影响叶片的表型。这项研究的目的是填补我们对白杨(Populus tremuloides Michx。)克隆内不同年龄分株间表型性状变异的发展影响的理解的空白。我们假设,随着树木年龄的增长,叶片功能性状的表型变异会受到发育线索的强烈影响。我们调查了8个白杨克隆,每个克隆有8个不同的年龄段,年龄从1到160岁不等,并且每个年龄段选择了3个分株进行样品收集。测得的叶片性状包括光合作用,气孔导度,水分利用效率,比叶面积以及氮,磷,蔗糖,淀粉,单宁浓缩和酚类糖苷的浓度。使用回归分析,我们检查了分株年龄与叶片功能性状表达之间的关系。数据显示分株年龄与所测量的12个表型性状中的10个之间显着相关。表型性状中的八个表现出非线性关系,其中在分株发展的早期阶段表型发生了很大的变化,此后稳定了下来。水分关系,养分浓度,叶片气体交换和酚类苷从发育的早期到晚期趋于下降,而蔗糖,单宁浓度降低和水分利用效率随分龄增加而增加。我们假设个体发育衍生的表型变异导致不同年龄分株之间的适应性差异,这可能对克隆适应性具有重要意义。与年龄相关的表型多样性增加可能部分是白杨耐受宽广的地理范围内的大环境梯度的能力的基础。



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