首页> 外文期刊>Transfusion: The Journal of the American Association of Blood Banks >Confirmatory testing of hepatitis C virus-positiveenzymeimmunoassay results in limited-resource countries:should it be attempted?

Confirmatory testing of hepatitis C virus-positiveenzymeimmunoassay results in limited-resource countries:should it be attempted?


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Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections are ubiquitous. It is estimated that at least 170 million people worldwide and an estimated 4 million persons in the United States are infected with HCV.Although the annual incidence of HCV appears to have declined in the United States in the past decade toapproximately 38,000 new cases,45 the incidence is increasing in several countries in Eastern Europe, Eurasia, and South Asia, especially in populations experiencing significant epidemics of illicit injection drug use.1 Most persons with acute or chronic HCV infections are asymptomatic and healthy; only about 20 percent of acute infections result in clinical hepatitis. Therefore, HCV infections among healthy blood donors, whether they are paid, replacement, or volunteer donors, are not uncommon. In the United States, Western Europe, and other high- or middle-income countries, blood samples from donors that are repeatedly reactive on enzyme immunoassay (EIA) screening are routinely evaluated with additional supplemental tests to determine which are true- and which are false-positive. The majority of repeat-reactive HCV EIA tests among blood donors in the United States are not confirmed by recombinant immunoblot assay (RIBA) or nucleic acid amplification testing (NAT).A study of 33.2 million donations collected by the American Red Cross and America's Blood Centers between 1999 and 2003 found that only 49.3 percent of 47,041 HCV EIA#
机译:丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)感染无处不在。据估计,全世界至少有1.7亿人感染了HCV,估计在美国有400万人。尽管在过去十年中,美国HCV的年发病率似乎有所下降,但新病例约为38,000例45。在东欧,欧亚大陆和南亚的一些国家,尤其是在经历大量非法注射毒品流行的人群中,这种疾病的发病率正在增加。1大多数患有急性或慢性HCV感染的人都是无症状和健康的;仅约20%的急性感染会导致临床肝炎。因此,健康献血者中的HCV感染,无论是有偿的,替代的还是自愿的献血者,并不少见。在美国,西欧和其他高收入或中等收入国家,对来自供体的在酶免疫分析(EIA)筛查中具有反复反应性的血样进行常规评估,并附加其他补充测试,以确定哪些是正确的,哪些是错误的-正。重组免疫印迹试验(RIBA)或核酸扩增试验(NAT)并未确认美国大部分献血者的重复反应性HCV EIA测试。美国红十字会和美国血液协会收集了3320万笔捐赠的研究在1999年至2003年之间的研究中心发现,在47,041例HCV EIA中,只有49.3%



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