首页> 外文期刊>Transfusion: The Journal of the American Association of Blood Banks >Mathematical analysis of isovolemic hemodilution indicates that it can decrease the need for allogeneic blood transfusion.

Mathematical analysis of isovolemic hemodilution indicates that it can decrease the need for allogeneic blood transfusion.


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BACKGROUND: The implementation of acute isovolemic hemodilution prior to surgical blood loss is a strategy used in an attempt to diminish the need for or obviate allogeneic transfusion and to avert the potential, attendant complications. Studies examining the efficacy of this technique have produced conflicting results. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: The present mathematical analysis was undertaken to resolve these conflicts by determining the efficacy of hemodilution and examining the influence of the variables affecting the outcome. Efficacy was defined as the volume of additional blood loss permitted and the volume and number of units of allogeneic blood saved from transfusion. A mathematical analysis evaluated the impact of circulating blood volume and initial and target hematocrits on the efficacy of isovolemic hemodilution. It was assumed that 1) hemodilution was completed before surgical blood loss; 2) transfusion of removed blood was begun when the target hematocrit was reached and lost surgical blood was replaced at a rate that maintained the target hematocrit; 3) allogeneic transfusion was begun after all autologous blood drawn was transfused; 4) normovolemia was maintained; and 5) a unit of allogeneic blood contains 175 mL of red cells. RESULTS: The analysis showed that isovolemic hemodilution can result in substantial additional allowable surgical blood loss that can diminish the need for or obviate allogeneic transfusion of red cells. Larger circulating blood volume, higher initial hematocrits, and lower target hematocrits increase the efficacy of hemodilution. Removal and isovolemic replacement of 1 to 2 units of blood provide minimal potential savings, as does hemodilution to a circulating (target) hematocrit of 30 percent. The extension of hemodilution to a hematocrit of (or below) 20 percent allows a disproportionately greater surgical blood loss and diminishes the need for allogeneic transfusion. It allows, for example, an additional 4.5 L of surgical blood loss, which represents a savings of 4 units of allogeneic blood when a patient with an initial blood volume of 5.0 L and a hematocrit of 45 percent undergoes isovolemic hemodilution to a hematocrit of 15 percent. CONCLUSION: Isovolemic hemodilution can diminish or in some circumstances eliminate the need for allogeneic transfusion.
机译:背景:在手术失血前实施急性等容血液稀释是一种策略,旨在减少对异基因输血的需要或消除同种异体输血并避免潜在的伴随并发症。研究这项技术功效的研究产生了矛盾的结果。研究设计和方法:通过确定血液稀释的功效并检查影响结果的变量的影响,进行了目前的数学分析以解决这些冲突。功效定义为允许的额外失血量以及输血节省的异体血液的量和单位数。数学分析评估了循环血容量以及初始和目标血细胞比容对等容血液稀释作用的影响。假设1)手术失血前已完成血液稀释; 2)当达到目标血细胞比容时开始输血,并以维持目标血细胞比容的速率补充丢失的手术血; 3)自体血液全部输血后开始异体输血; 4)维持正常的血容量; 5)一单位同种异体血液含有175毫升红细胞。结果:分析表明,等容血液稀释可以导致大量额外的允许手术失血,从而减少对红细胞的同种异体输血或消除其需求。较大的循环血容量,较高的初始血细胞比容和较低的目标血细胞比容可提高血液稀释的功效。 1-2个单位血液的去除和等渗置换提供的潜在节省量很小,对循环(目标)血细胞比容为30%的血液稀释也是如此。将血液稀释作用扩大到(或低于)20%的血细胞比容可实现更大比例的外科手术失血,并减少了异体输血的需要。例如,它允许额外的4.5 L外科手术失血,这意味着当初始血液量为5.0 L且血细胞比容为45%的患者接受等容血液稀释至血细胞比容为15时,可节省4单位同种异体血液百分。结论:等容血液稀释可以减少或在某些情况下消除异体输血的需要。



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