首页> 外文期刊>Transfusion medicine reviews >Blood transfusion in World War I: the roles of Lawrence Bruce Robertson and Oswald Hope Robertson in the 'most important medical advance of the war'.

Blood transfusion in World War I: the roles of Lawrence Bruce Robertson and Oswald Hope Robertson in the 'most important medical advance of the war'.

机译:第一次世界大战中的输血:劳伦斯·布鲁斯·罗伯逊(Lawrence Bruce Robertson)和奥斯瓦尔德·希望·罗伯森(Oswald Hope Robertson)在“战争最重要的医学进步”中的作用。

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The demonstration and acceptance of the life-saving potential of blood transfusion in the resuscitation of combat casualties came in two parts. First, Canadian surgeon Major Lawrence Bruce Robertson showed that direct transfusion of uncrossmatched blood from the veins of a donor to a patient could save the lives of many moribund casualties, even if a few died of acute hemolytic reactions. Second, US Army Captain Oswald Hope Robertson showed that stored, syphilis-tested, universal donor whole blood could be given quickly and safely in forward medical units. With these demonstrations, the Royal Army Medical Corps adopted transfusion and declared it the most important medical advance of the war.
机译:战斗伤员复苏中输血具有挽救生命的潜力的论证和接受来自两个部分。首先,加拿大外科医生劳伦斯·布鲁斯·罗伯逊少校表明,将未交配血液从供体静脉直接输给患者可以挽救许多垂死的人员的生命,即使其中一些死于急性溶血反应。其次,美国陆军上尉奥斯瓦尔德·霍普·罗伯逊(Oswald Hope Robertson)表明,经梅毒测试的,通用的捐献者全血可以在安全的前沿医疗单位中快速安全地给予。在这些示威活动中,皇家陆军医疗队采用了输血,并宣布这是战争中最重要的医学进展。



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