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TECHNOLOGY Updates: California ISO Visualizes, Correlates Data with Geospatial Software

机译:技术更新:California ISO可视化地理数据软件并将其与数据关联

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Space-Time Insight, a provider of next-generation situational intelligence solutions, has announced that the California Independent System Operator Corp. (ISO) has incorporated Space-Time Insight's geospatial software applications into its state-of-the-art control center. These situational intelligence applications visualize, correlate and analyze information from numerous real-time data sources, enabling personnel to make rapid decisions based on that information. In addition, the applications allow multiple disciplines across the organization to collaborate more easily and quickly get everyone on the same page when action is required.
机译:下一代情境情报解决方案提供商Space-Time Insight宣布,加利福尼亚独立系统运营商(ISO)已将Space-Time Insight的地理空间软件应用程序合并到其最新的控制中心中。这些情境情报应用程序可以可视化,关联和分析来自大量实时数据源的信息,从而使人员可以基于该信息做出快速决策。此外,这些应用程序使组织中的多个学科可以更轻松地协作,并在需要采取措施时将每个人快速地置于同一页面上。



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