首页> 外文期刊>Transactions of the American Fisheries Society >Size and condition of wild and hatchery pink salmon juveniles in Prince William Sound, Alaska

Size and condition of wild and hatchery pink salmon juveniles in Prince William Sound, Alaska


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Declining wild stocks and reduced body size of pink salmon Oncorhynchus gorbuscha in Prince William Sound have led to the hypothesis that the carrying capacity of the sound, and possibly that of the Gulf of Alaska, for salmon has been reached. We compared the length, weight, and energetic content of juvenile pink salmon (1) among different stations, (2) between one hatchery group and wild pink salmon from several stations, and (3) among several hatchery release groups and wild pink salmon from two stations in the sound using analysis of variance. There were significant differences in the lengths of fish among stations but no geographic pattern. Pink salmon at two nearby stations in southwestern Prince William Sound were the smallest (71.5 mm in Whale Bay) and largest (92.4 mm in Bainbridge Passage) of the six stations sampled. There were also differences in size among the hatchery and wild groups. Wild fish were consistently larger than the most abundant hatchery group (Cannery Creek). Within central Prince William Sound, Cannery Creek Hatchery pink salmon were significantly shorter than other hatchery release groups and wild salmon. Size variation was probably dependent on size upon entry and time of entry into marine waters. The energy content of juvenile pink salmon did not differ significantly between wild and hatchery fish but did vary among stations, albeit with no geographic pattern. Hatchery fish west of Naked Island had significantly higher energy content than those east of Naked Island. The consistencies in energy content among groups of fish from the same geographic area suggest that processes occurring on local scales (e.g., the effect of stratification on secondary production and local depletion by planktivores) are important in determining the condition of juvenile pink salmon.
机译:威廉王子湾野生鱼类种群的减少和粉红色鲑鱼Oncorhynchus gorbuscha的体型减小,导致了这样一种假设,即声音已经达到鲑鱼的承载能力,甚至可能达到了阿拉斯加湾的承载能力。我们比较了幼年粉红鲑鱼的长度,重量和能量含量(1)在不同站点之间,(2)在一个孵化场群与来自多个站点的野生粉红鲑鱼之间,以及(3)在多个孵化场释放群和来自各个站点的野生粉红鲑鱼之间使用声音分析中的两个电台的方差。各站之间的鱼长有显着差异,但没有地理格局。西南威廉王子湾附近两个站的粉红鲑鱼是六个采样站中最小的(鲸鱼湾为71.5毫米),最大的(贝恩布里奇通道为92.4毫米)。孵化场和野生种群之间的大小也存在差异。野生鱼类始终比最丰富的孵化场组(Cannery Creek)要大。在威廉王子湾中部,罐头厂河孵化场的粉红鲑鱼明显短于其他孵化场放行群和野生鲑鱼。大小变化可能取决于进入海水和进入海水时间的大小。野生和孵化鱼中粉红鲑鱼的能量含量没有显着差异,但在站之间也有所差异,尽管没有地理规律。裸岛以西的孵化场鱼类的能量含量明显高于裸岛以东的孵化场鱼类。来自同一地理区域的鱼群中能量含量的一致性表明,在当地规模上发生的过程(例如,分层对次级生产和浮游生物局部消耗的影响)对于确定幼年粉红鲑鱼的状况很重要。



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