首页> 外文期刊>Transactions of the American Fisheries Society >Abundance Estimate for and Habitat Use by Early Juvenile Atlantic Sturgeon within the Delaware River Estuary

Abundance Estimate for and Habitat Use by Early Juvenile Atlantic Sturgeon within the Delaware River Estuary


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The Atlantic Sturgeon Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus historically supported a significant commercial fishery along the eastern coast of North America. However, overfishing led to substantial population declines with contributions from other anthropogenic impacts, including vessel strikes and contaminants that continue to impede recovery. Our work is the first to estimate the abundance of early juvenile (age 0-1), resident Atlantic Sturgeon in the Delaware River estuary. Using the Schumacher and Eschmeyer mark-recapture estimator for multiple censuses, we estimated 3,656 (95% CI = 1,935-33,041) individuals used the Delaware River estuary as a nursery in 2014. We found no significant change in mean length during the course of our study (November-December), and lengths of age 0-1 Atlantic Sturgeon ranged from 220 to 515 mm TL. Further, using a passive acoustic receiver array, we identified significant habitat areas where age-0-1 juveniles spend considerable amounts of time; this included the Marcus Hook area and some habitat use downriver and upriver of Marcus Hook at Cherry Island and the Chester Range. Our results support the idea that a spawning population of Atlantic Sturgeon exists in the Delaware River and that some level of early juvenile recruitment is continuing to persist despite current depressed population levels. Understanding trends in abundance, habitat use, and other population metrics for natal river Atlantic Sturgeon will allow for better conservation and management of the species.
机译:大西洋St鱼oxyrinchus历史上为北美东部沿海的重要商业渔业提供了支持。然而,过度捕捞导致人口大量减少,其原因是其他人为影响,包括船只罢工和污染物继续阻碍恢复。我们的工作首次评估了特拉华河河口常驻大西洋Atlantic鱼的少年(0-1岁)的数量。使用Schumacher和Eschmeyer标记捕获估计器进行多次人口普查,我们估计2014年有3,656(95%CI = 1,935-33,041)个人使用特拉华河河口作为苗圃。研究(11月至12月),0-1岁大西洋Atlantic鱼的长度为TL 220至515 mm。此外,使用无源声接收器阵列,我们确定了重要的栖息地区域,0-1岁的青少年花费了大量的时间。其中包括马库斯胡克(Marcus Hook)地区,以及樱桃岛和切斯特山脉(Chester Range)上马库斯胡克(Marcus Hook)的下游生境。我们的结果支持这样一种想法,即特拉华河中存在着大量的大西洋St鱼,尽管当前人口数量低迷,但早期的新兵招募仍在继续。了解出生河大西洋Atlantic鱼的丰度,栖息地使用和其他种群指标的趋势将有助于更好地保护和管理该物种。



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