首页> 外文期刊>Transactions of the American Fisheries Society >Movement and habitat use by lake whitefish during spawning in a boreallake: Integrating acoustic telemetry and geographic information systems

Movement and habitat use by lake whitefish during spawning in a boreallake: Integrating acoustic telemetry and geographic information systems


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To quantify lake whitefish swimming behavior, substrate selection, and theinfluence of water level variation on spawning behavior and success, wetracked lake whitefish Coregonus clupeaformis during two consecutivespawning seasons (October-November) in a small boreal lake in northwesternOntario, Canada. The lake was subjected to an experimental drawdown of 1.4m in 1995 and 0.75 m in 1996 at the time tracking started. We used aradio-linked, acoustic positioning system that produced positions every100 s for 18 tagged lake whitefish, eight of which provided depthinformation. Fish position and depth were put into a geographicinformation system database with information on substratum, slope, anddepth. Mean daily locomotor activity declined as the spawning seasonprogressed. Two patterns of behavior occurred in both years.Offshore-oriented fish spent their time along bottom contours, whichincreased in depth through the spawning season. Inshore-oriented fishspent their time along the shoreline, and exhibited site fidelity duringspawning before moving to deeper offshore areas, where movement wasreduced. For inshore-oriented fish, spawning positions were determinedbased on their presence in the littoral zone and a low instantaneousswimming speed of less than 6 cm/s. For these positions, only threesubstrata-boulder, cobble, and detritus-comprised 50% of these locations.Mean depth ranged from 2.7 m (+/-1.3, SD) to 3.5 m (+/-1.2) with meanslopes of 36% (+/-13.2%). We confirmed spawning by recapturing spenttagged fish; scuba divers also confirmed the presence of lake whitefisheggs at one site. Water level reductions apparently caused mortality ofeggs laid at depths less than 3.5 m. Overall, lake whitefish displayedhigh fidelity toward specific substrate and slope characteristics, usingnew sites as water levels rose. [References: 60]
机译:为了量化白鲑湖的游泳行为,底物选择以及水位变化对产卵行为和成活的影响,我们在加拿大安大略省西北部的一个小型北方湖泊中连续两个产卵季节(10月至11月)追踪了白鲑湖豚(Coregonus clupeaformis)。追踪开始时,该湖在1995年经受了1.4m的实验压降,在1996年经受了0.75 m的实验压降。我们使用了无线电链接的声学定位系统,该系统每100 s产生18条带标签的湖白鲑的位置,其中8条提供了深度信息。将鱼类的位置和深度放入具有底层,坡度和深度信息的地理信息系统数据库中。随着产卵季节的进展,平均每日运动能力下降。两年中发生了两种行为模式。以海洋为导向的鱼在底部轮廓上度过时间,在整个产卵季节中深度增加。面向沿海的鱼类在海岸线上花费了很多时间,并在产卵期间表现出地点保真度,然后才转移到更深的海上地区,那里的活动减少了。对于近海鱼类,产卵位置是根据它们在沿海地区的存在和低于6 cm / s的低瞬时游动速度来确定的。对于这些位置,这些位置中只有50%包含三个下层砾石,卵石和碎屑。平均深度范围从2.7 m(+/- 1.3,SD)到3.5 m(+/- 1.2),平均斜率为36%( +/- 13.2%)。我们通过重新捕获带标签的鱼来确认产卵。水肺潜水员还证实了一个地点存在白鲑鱼湖。水位的降低显然导致蛋埋在小于3.5 m深度处的死亡率。总体而言,随着水位的上升,使用新的地点时,白鲑湖对特定的底物和斜坡特征表现出较高的保真度。 [参考:60]



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