
Southern Calamari


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"Look out, here comes another one!" was my dad's excited cry as he swung another big pulsating squid over the side and into the cockpit area of my Swiftcraft. As usual he was so hyped up at the thought of having fresh calamari on the barbecue that night that he was oblivious to everyone and everything around him. I knew what was coming, but I had nowhere to run so I just braced myself. The angry squid unloaded a jet-propelled stream of black, snotty ink all over myself, my wife Carolyn and half the starboard side of the boat. Despite the barrage of protests, dad in his typical manner just giggled to himself and then resumed casting the Yo Zuri for his favourite seafood meal. I on the other hand was left to quickly clean up the mess before another uncontrollable ink dispenser came aboard.
机译:“注意,再来一个!”是我父亲激动地大哭,因为他在旁边挥舞着另一只大跳动的乌贼,进入我的Swiftcraft的驾驶舱区域。像往常一样,那天晚上他想到要在烧烤架上放上新鲜的鱿鱼而大为鼓舞,以至于他忘了周围的所有人和一切。我知道会发生什么,但是我无处可跑,所以我自己撑了一下。愤怒的乌贼在我,我的妻子卡洛琳和船右舷的一半上喷出了黑色喷射的黑色墨水。尽管抗议声势汹汹,但父亲还是以他典型的方式咯咯地笑了笑,然后继续投下Yo Zuri作为他最喜欢的海鲜餐。另一方面,在另一台无法控制的墨水分配器登上之前,我不得不迅速清理烂摊子。



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