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2013 Can-Am Outlandwe 500 DPS ARV

机译:2013 Can-Am Outlander 500 DPS ARV

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Since it first appeared on the market, the versatile ATV quad bike has been closely associated with the man on the land. These days the Quad bikes have become the workhorse on farms and stations, but unlike a horse they never tire after a hard day's work. At the same time, ATVs have enjoyed booming popularity with recreational users, especially hunters and fishermen. If fishing remote billabongs, rivers and beaches is your thing then they make a lot of sense. The way these little off-roaders open upyour horizons is amazing and I've been able to get into hidden beauty spots like I've never done before. Recently, I've been testing the new 2013 BRP Can-Am Outlander 500 DPS quad. In the process I've discovered some new billabongs, river pools and remote beaches I could never reach in my 4WD vehicles.
机译:自从首次出现在市场上以来,多功能ATV四人自行车就与当地人紧密相关。如今,Quad自行车已成为农场和车站的主力军,但与马匹不同,他们在辛苦的一天中工作后再也不累。同时,全地形车在休闲用户,尤其是猎人和渔民中也得到了迅速的普及。如果您想钓鱼偏僻的Billabongs,河流和海滩,那么它们很有意义。这些小小的越野车打开您的视野的方式令人惊叹,而且我能够进入前所未有的隐蔽景点。最近,我一直在测试新的2013 BRP Can-Am Outlander 500 DPS Quad。在此过程中,我发现了一些新的四轮摩托,河塘和偏僻的海滩,这些都是我无法用四轮驱动车到达的。



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