首页> 外文期刊>Transactions of the American Entomological Society >Two new grasshopper species in the texanus group of the genus Melanoplus(Orthoptera : Acrididae : Melanoplinae) with biological notes on the group

Two new grasshopper species in the texanus group of the genus Melanoplus(Orthoptera : Acrididae : Melanoplinae) with biological notes on the group


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Melanoplus alexanderi n. sp. from South-Central Texas Counties centered around Bastrop County and Melanoplus dakini n.sp. from west central Louisiana are described. These two short wing species are part of the 7 member allopatric Melanoplus texanus species group. Distinguishing structure, distribution, habitat, food preferences and egg pods are described and compared. Evidences for hybridization between Melanoplus warneri, having the neo-XY + 10 pairs autosomes karyotype, and Melanoplus angularis, having the XO + 11 pairs of autosomes karyotype, are noted. Characteristics of populations of intergrades between Melanoplus angularis and Melanoplus dakini in four far southeast Texas (Jasper, Newton, Sabine and San Augustine Counties) are delineated.
机译:Melanoplus亚历山大sp。来自得克萨斯州中南部各县,以巴斯特罗普县和Melanoplus dakini n.sp为中心。从路易斯安那州中西部的西部开始描述。这两个短翼物种属于7成员异特异的Melanoplus texanus物种组的一部分。描述并比较了区分结构,分布,栖息地,食物偏好和蛋荚。注意到在具有新的XY + 10对常染色体核型的华氏黑斑病菌与具有XO +的11对常染色体核型的角斑病之间杂交的证据。描绘了得克萨斯州东南部四个地区(贾斯珀,牛顿,萨宾和圣奥古斯丁县)的黑角羚和黑斑羚之间的过渡种群的特征。



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