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The Effectiveness of Red Light Cameras in the United States-A Literature Review


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Objective: To examine the available scientific evidence based on peer-reviewed publications concerning the effectiveness of red light cameras (RLCs) within the U.S. traffic system. Methods: Relevant literature published prior to December 2012 was retrieved from the PubMed, Medline, and Engineering Index databases using free-text term queries. Jurisdictions with either a fixed number of RLCs studied or area wide programs within the United States were included. RLC studies with additional interventions were excluded. Nine RLC studies were extracted and grouped into 3 categories based on outcome measures: violations, crashes, and injuries/fatalities. Results: All 9 studies reviewed showed significant reductions in the frequency/rate of violations, crashes, and injuries at intersections after RLC implementation. RLC interventions appear to decrease violations, crashes, and injuries at intersections. Conclusions: Despite limited peer-reviewed publications available in the literature, it appears that RLCs decrease violations, crashes, and injuries at intersections. Some studies, however, contained methodological shortcomings. Therefore, the apparent effectiveness should be confirmed with stronger methodological approaches. Although spillover effects appeared to be evident, many of the jurisdictions examined were small in area. Thus, it is unknown whether spillover resulting from RLCs would have similar effects in large metropolitan areas. To determine the full public health impact of RLC programs, crashes, injuries, and fatalities should be considered as primary outcomes of interest. To accomplish this requires a clear definition of which types of crashes will be included for RLC studies. Lastly, it is unknown whether RLCs would be effective in reducing crashes resulting from distracted or alcohol-impaired drivers. Future studies should examine the effects of RLCs by exclusively analyzing these crash types.
机译:目的:基于同行评审的出版物,研究与美国交通系统内的红灯相机(RLC)的有效性有关的可用科学证据。方法:使用自由文本术语查询从PubMed,Medline和Engineering Index数据库中检索2012年12月之前发表的相关文献。包括在美国境内研究了一定数量的RLC或地区性计划的司法管辖区。排除了采用额外干预的RLC研究。提取了9项RLC研究,并根据结果指标将其分为3类:违规,撞车和伤害/致命。结果:审查的所有9项研究表明,实施RLC后,交叉路口违章,撞车和受伤的频率/发生率显着降低。 RLC干预措施似乎减少了交叉路口的违规,撞车和伤害。结论:尽管文献中的同行评审出版物很少,但RLC似乎减少了交叉路口的违规,撞车和伤害。但是,一些研究存在方法学上的缺陷。因此,应使用更强大的方法论方法来确认其明显的有效性。尽管溢出效应似乎很明显,但许多受审查的辖区面积很小。因此,未知的是,RLC引起的溢出在大都会地区是否会产生类似的影响。为了确定RLC计划对公共健康的全面影响,应将坠机,伤害和死亡视为主要关注结果。要做到这一点,需要明确定义哪些碰撞类型将包括在RLC研究中。最后,未知的是,RLC是否能有效减少因分心或酒精受损的驾驶员而导致的交通事故。未来的研究应该通过专门分析这些崩溃类型来检查RLC的影响。



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