首页> 外文期刊>Toxicon: An International Journal Devoted to the Exchange of Knowledge on the Poisons Derived from Animals, Plants and Microorganisms >Primary structure, behavioral and electroencephalographic effects of an epileptogenic peptide from the sea anemone Bunodosoma cangicum.

Primary structure, behavioral and electroencephalographic effects of an epileptogenic peptide from the sea anemone Bunodosoma cangicum.

机译:来自海葵Bunodosoma cangicum的致癫痫肽的主要结构,行为和脑电图作用。

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The primary structure of cangitoxin (CGX), a 4958 Da peptide from the sea anemone Bunodosoma cangicum, was determined: GVACRCDSDGPTVRGNSLSGTLWLTGGCPSGWHNCRGSGPFIGYCCKK. CGX contains all the 11 residues that are conserved and the 5 that are conservatively substituted within or between the type 1 and type 2 sequences of se-a anemone peptides with specific action on voltage-sensitive sodium channels. Furthermore, it also has 6 identities (Asp9, Arg14, Asn16, Leu18, Trp33 and Lys48) and 1 homology (Arg36) in the 8 residues of the pharmacophore of the sea anemone ApB which are essential for interaction with mammalian sodium channels. The intrahippocampal injection of CGX induces several sequential behavioral alterations-episodes of akinesia alternating with facial automatisms and head tremor, salivation, rearing. jumping, barrel-rolling, wet dog shakes and forelimb clonic movements-and the electroencephalography analysis shows that they were followed by important seizure periods that gradually evolved to status epilepticus that lasted 8-12 h, similar to that observed in the acute phase of the pilocarpine model of epilepsy. These results suggest that CGX may be an important tool to develop a new experimental model of status epilepticus which may contribute to understanding the etiology of epilepsy and to test the effects of new antiepileptic drugs. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:确定了cangitoxin(CGX)的一级结构,一种来自海葵的Bonodosoma cangicum的4958 Da肽:GVACRCDSDGPTVRGNSLSGTLWLTGGCPSGWHNCRGSGPFIGYCCKK。 CGX包含所有11个保守的残基和5个保守的Se-a银莲花素肽的1型和2型序列之间或之间的取代基,对电压敏感的钠通道具有特定作用。此外,它在海葵ApB药效团的8个残基中还具有6个身份(Asp9,Arg14,Asn16,Leu18,Trp33和Lys48)和1个同源性(Arg36),这对于与哺乳动物钠通道的相互作用至关重要。海马内注射CGX会诱发数个连续的行为改变-运动障碍的发作,并伴有面部自动症状和头部震颤,流涎,抚养。跳跃,滚滚,湿狗摇动和前肢阵挛性运动-脑电图分析表明,紧随其后的是重要的癫痫发作期,逐渐演变为持续8-12小时的癫痫持续状态,与急性期的观察到的相似。匹罗卡品癫痫模型。这些结果表明,CGX可能是开发新的癫痫持续状态实验模型的重要工具,这可能有助于了解癫痫的病因并测试新的抗癫痫药物的作用。 (C)2004 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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