首页> 外文期刊>Toxicology: An International Journal Concerned with the Effects of Chemicals on Living Systems >A murine experimental anthracycline extravasation model: pathology and study of the involvement of topoisomerase II alpha and iron in the mechanism of tissue damage.

A murine experimental anthracycline extravasation model: pathology and study of the involvement of topoisomerase II alpha and iron in the mechanism of tissue damage.


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The bisdioxopiperazine topoisomerase II catalytic inhibitor dexrazoxane has successfully been introduced into the clinic as an antidote to accidental anthracycline extravasation based on our preclinical mouse studies. The histology of this mouse extravasation model was investigated and found to be similar to findings in humans: massive necrosis in the subcutis, dermis and epidermis followed by sequestration and healing with granulation tissue, and a graft-versus-host-like reaction with hyperkeratotic and acanthotic keratinocytes, occasional apoptoses, epidermal invasion by lymphocytes and healing with dense dermal connective tissue. The extension of this fibrosis was quantified, and dexrazoxane intervention resulted in a statistically significant decrease in fibrosis extension, as also observed in the clinic. Several mechanisms have been proposed in anthracycline extravasation cytotoxicity, and we tested two major hypotheses: (1) interaction with topoisomerase II alpha and (2) the formation of tissue damaging reactive oxygen species following redox cycling of an anthracycline Fe(2+) complex. Dexrazoxane could minimise skin damage via both mechanisms, as it stops the catalytic activity of topoisomerase II alpha and thereby prevents access of anthracycline to the enzyme and thus cytotoxicity, and also acts as a strong iron chelator following opening of its two bisdioxopiperazine rings. Using the model of extravasation in a dexrazoxane-resistant transgenic mouse with a heterozygous mutation in the topoisomerase II alpha gene (Top2a(Y165S/+)), we found that dexrazoxane provided a protection against anthracycline-induced skin wounds that was indistinguishable from that found in wildtype mice. Thus, interaction with topoisomerase II alpha is not central in the pathogenesis of anthracycline-induced skin damage. In contrast to dexrazoxane, the iron-chelating bisdioxopiperazine ICRF-161 do not inhibit the catalytic cycle of topoisomerase II alpha. This compound was used to isolate and test the importance of iron in the wound pathogenesis. ICRF-161 was found ineffective in the treatment of anthracycline-induced skin damage, suggesting that iron does not play a dominant role in the genesis of wounds.
机译:根据我们的临床前小鼠研究,bisdioxopiperazine拓扑异构酶II催化抑制剂右雷佐生已成功引入临床,作为防止蒽环类药物外溢的解毒剂。对这种小鼠外渗模型的组织学进行了研究,发现与人类的发现相似:皮下组织,真皮和表皮大量坏死,随后被肉芽组织隔离和愈合,移植物对抗宿主样反应与过度角化和棘皮性角质形成细胞,偶尔的凋亡,淋巴细胞的表皮浸润以及密集的真皮结缔组织的愈合。量化了这种纤维化的扩展,并且在临床上也观察到右雷佐生的干预导致纤维化扩展的统计显着减少。在蒽环类药物外渗细胞毒性中已提出了几种机制,我们测试了两个主要假设:(1)与拓扑异构酶IIα相互作用,以及(2)蒽环类Fe(2+)复合物的氧化还原循环后组织破坏性活性氧的形成。 Dexrazoxane可以通过这两种机制最小化皮肤损伤,因为它停止了拓扑异构酶IIα的催化活性,从而防止了蒽环类药物进入该酶,从而防止了细胞毒性,并且在其两个双二氧杂哌嗪环打开后还充当了强铁螯合剂。使用在拓扑异构酶II alpha基因(Top2a(Y165S / +))中具有杂合突变的右雷佐生抗性转基因小鼠中的外渗模型,我们发现右雷佐生对蒽环类药物引起的皮肤伤口具有保护作用,这一发现与发现的区别不明显在野生型小鼠中。因此,与拓扑异构酶IIα的相互作用在蒽环类药物引起的皮肤损伤的发病机理中并不重要。与右雷佐生相比,铁螯合双二氧杂哌嗪ICRF-161不抑制拓扑异构酶IIα的催化循环。该化合物用于分离和测试铁在伤口发病机理中的重要性。发现ICRF-161在蒽环类药物引起的皮肤损伤的治疗中无效,这表明铁在伤口的发生中并不起主要作用。



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