首页> 外文期刊>Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene >Clinical and epidemiological features of 33 imported Strongyloides stercoralis infections.

Clinical and epidemiological features of 33 imported Strongyloides stercoralis infections.

机译:临床和流行病学特点的33进口的Strongyloides stercoralis感染。

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Strongyloides stercoralis has a unique ability to replicate in the human host and lead to chronic infection that can persist for several decades. Thirty-three patients (10 travellers and 23 immigrants) with imported S. stercoralis infection were studied and clinical and epidemiological characteristics described. Only 16 patients (48.5%) reported symptoms, mainly of the gastrointestinal tract. Eosinophilia was present in 21 (63.6%) patients. Seven patients (21.2%) had an immunocompromising condition. Patients were classified into chronic asymptomatic infection (17/33, 51.5%), chronic symptomatic infection (11/33, 33.3%) and hyperinfection (5/33, 15.2%). Four of the latter (80%) had an immunocompromising condition. Strongyloides stercoralis infection should be considered in immigrants and travellers with eosinophilia or compatible symptoms coming from endemic areas. Diagnosis should always be sought in immunocompromised hosts.
机译:甾体类固醇具有在人宿主中复制并导致可持续数十年之久的慢性感染的独特能力。研究了33例输入性固醇葡萄球菌感染的患者(10名旅行者和23名移民),并描述了临床和流行病学特征。仅16名患者(48.5%)报告症状,主要是胃肠道症状。嗜酸性粒细胞增多症存在于21名(63.6%)患者中。 7名患者(21.2%)患有免疫功能低下的状况。患者分为慢性无症状感染(17 / 33,51.5%),慢性症状感染(11 / 33,33.3%)和过度感染(5 / 33,15.2%)。后者中有四个(80%)具有免疫功能低下的状况。患有嗜酸性粒细胞增多症或来自地方性地区的症状相适应的移民和旅行者应考虑强固体类固醇感染。诊断应始终在免疫功能低下的宿主中进行。



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