首页> 外文期刊>Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene >Natural immunity to human African trypanosomiasis: trypanosome lytic factors and the blood incubation infectivity test.

Natural immunity to human African trypanosomiasis: trypanosome lytic factors and the blood incubation infectivity test.


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This review focuses on the epidemiology of human African trypanosomiasis: why it occurs in humans, the current methods of surveillance, and the drugs available to treat it. Emphasis is placed on the identification of human-infective trypanosomes by the blood incubation infectivity test. This test distinguishes between trypanosomes that are non-infective for humans and those that are potentially infective. Currently the test requires incubation of parasites with human serum before injection into mice; any surviving parasites are considered human-infective. The factors in serum that kill all non-human-infective parasites are known as trypanosome lytic factors. The paper details the biochemistry of these factors and recommends standardization of the test based on current knowledge. This test can be used to screen animals with trypanosomiasis, in order to evaluate their role during endemic and epidemic human African trypanosomiasis.



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