
Insights from simulation of CIL/CIP circuit Part 2 - Simulation studies

机译:CIL / CIP电路仿真的真知灼见第2部分-仿真研究

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In Part 1 of this paper, the development of a semiempirical model of a carbon in leach (ClL)/carbon in pulp (CIP) plant for recovery of gold and silver was detailed. With appropriate practical parameters, the model was able to reproduce typical tank profiles for gold and silver contained in the solids, solution and active carbon. The model was used in a series of simulations to explore the influence on plant performance of: (1) circuit design encompassing tank size and number, and tankage configuration; (2) using some of the initial tanks for leaching only (CIP); (3) the impact of a thickener recycling a percentage of tailings solution to the head of the circuit; (4) leaching and adsorption parameters; (5) operational parameters such as ore feed rate and percent solids in the slurry; and (6) rate of countercurrent movement of active carbon. The results of these simulations highlight factors which need to be considered in the design and optimisation of a CILVCIP circuit and provide an insight into identifying deficiencies in performance and the possible ways to counteract them by manipulation of the factors above.
机译:在本文的第1部分中,详细介绍了用于提取金和银的浸出碳(ClL)/纸浆碳(CIP)工厂的半经验模型的开发。通过适当的实际参数,该模型能够再现固体,溶液和活性炭中所含金和银的典型储罐轮廓。该模型被用于一系列仿真中,以探讨以下因素对工厂性能的影响:(1)包括油箱尺寸和数量以及油箱配置的电路设计; (2)将一些初始池仅用于浸提(CIP); (3)增稠剂对一定比例的尾渣溶液循环至回路顶部的影响; (4)浸出和吸附参数; (5)操作参数,例如矿石进料速度和浆液中的固体百分比; (6)活性炭逆流运动的速率。这些仿真的结果突出了在CILVCIP电路的设计和优化中需要考虑的因素,并提供了洞悉性能缺陷的途径,以及通过操纵上述因素来抵消这些缺陷的可能方法。



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