
Granulation behaviour of specularlte fines inferrous sinter mixtures


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The granulation behaviour of specularite fines which possess poor ballability was studied with limonite fines as a function of nuclei particles and adhering fines. The results show that the permeability of granules deteriorated as the ratio of specularite fines increased in the mixture, and the optimal granulation moisture content also decreased. The granulation kinetics results demonstrate that the adhering load of specularite fines increased rapidly within 3 minutes and then levelled off. With increasing specularite fines ratio, the adhering rate accelerated but the granulation duration needed to be longer to reach adhering balance. The microstructure of granule quasi-particles indicates that the fine limonite particles act as binders to bond together the specularite particles which are dispersed in the adhering layers. This can improve the adhering strength of the granules. Hence, the granulation behaviour of specularite fines can be improved by blending them with fine limonite ores which have high adhering capabilities.



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