首页> 外文期刊>Chemical Physics: A Journal Devoted to Experimental and Theoretical Research Involving Problems of Both a Chemical and Physical Nature >Relativistic two-component calculations of electronic g-tensor for oxo-molybdenum(V) and oxo-tungsten(V) complexes: The important role of higher-order spin-orbit contributions

Relativistic two-component calculations of electronic g-tensor for oxo-molybdenum(V) and oxo-tungsten(V) complexes: The important role of higher-order spin-orbit contributions


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In an effort towards the reliable calculation of EPR parameters of molybdenum and tungsten enzyme active sites, the effect of higher-order spin-orbit effects and of exchange-correlation functional on the electronic g-tensors of small [(MOCl5)-O-v](2-) and medium-sized [(MO)-O-v(bdt)(2)] (bdt - benzene-1,2-dithiolate), ((MOCl3)-O-v(bpy)] (bpy - bipyridine) complexes (M = Mo or W) has been evaluated. Comparison of one-component calculations with perturbational treatment of spin-orbit coupling and two-component non-collinear spin density functional calculations indicate the substantial importance of higher-order spin-orbit effects, in particular for the tungsten species. Pseudopotential calculations tend to underestimate the spin-orbit effects compared to all-electron calculations based on the Douglas-Kroll-Hess Hamiltonian. Hybrid functionals with somewhat enhanced exact-exchange admixture tend to provide better agreement with experiment than pure gradient-corrected functionals.
机译:为了可靠地计算钼和钨酶活性位点的EPR参数,高阶自旋轨道效应和交换相关函数对小的[(MOCl5)-Ov]()电子g张量的影响2-)和中等大小的[(MO)-Ov(bdt)(2)](bdt-苯-1,2-二硫代硫酸盐),(((MOCl3)-Ov(bpy)](bpy-联吡啶)复合物(M = Mo或W)对一分量计算与自旋轨道耦合微扰处理和两分量非共线自旋密度函数计算的比较表明,高阶自旋轨道效应非常重要,特别是对于与基于Douglas-Kroll-Hess Hamiltonian的全电子计算相比,伪电势计算往往会低估自旋轨道效应。精确交换混合物有所增强的混合泛函与纯梯度实验相比,具有更好的实验一致性。更正的功能。



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