首页> 外文期刊>The Western Journal of Medicine >A breast cancer care report card. An assessment of performance and a pursuit of value.

A breast cancer care report card. An assessment of performance and a pursuit of value.


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The transition to managed care raises concerns about the resulting quality of care. The report card, a publicly released, standardized report on quality, has received widespread acceptance as a method to evaluate physician performance. Current report cards provide insufficient information to allow purchasers of health care to assess accurately the performance of professionals who provide breast care. To overcome these limitations, we propose an expanded report card on breast cancer care. Mammographers and general surgeons would assess an independent series of at least 100 consecutive cases of newly diagnosed breast cancer. Mammographers would determine the percentage of invasive cancers < 15 mm detected on screening mammograms in asymptomatic women aged 50 to 74 years. Surgeons would determine the percentage of combined stages 0 and 1 breast cancers detected and the percentage of patients receiving breast-conserving surgical therapy. Performance targets are set at 60% for invasive cancers < 15 mm detected on screening mammography, 60% for combined stage 0 and 1 breast cancers, and 50% for patients receiving breast-conserving therapy.
机译:向管理式护理的过渡引发了人们对由此产生的护理质量的担忧。报告卡是一种公开发布的标准化质量报告,已被广泛接受,作为评估医生绩效的一种方法。当前的报告卡提供的信息不足,无法使医疗保健购买者准确评估提供乳房护理的专业人员的表现。为了克服这些局限性,我们建议扩大乳腺癌护理报告卡。乳房X线检查人员和普通外科医师将对至少100例连续的新诊断乳腺癌病例进行独立评估。乳房X线检查人员将确定筛查年龄在50至74岁的无症状女性中的X线检查中<15 mm的浸润性癌症的百分比。外科医生将确定检测到的第0期和第1期合并乳腺癌的百分比以及接受保乳手术治疗的患者的百分比。对于在乳腺钼靶筛查中发现的小于15毫米的浸润性癌,将性能指标定为60%,对于0和1期合并乳腺癌将定为60%,对保留乳腺癌的患者定为50%。



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