首页> 外文期刊>Toxicological sciences: An official journal of the Society of Toxicology >Skin sensitizers induce antioxidant response element dependent genes: application to the in vitro testing of the sensitization potential of chemicals.

Skin sensitizers induce antioxidant response element dependent genes: application to the in vitro testing of the sensitization potential of chemicals.


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Tests for skin sensitization are required prior to the market launch of new cosmetic ingredients and in vitro tests are needed to replace the current animal tests. Protein reactivity is the common feature of skin sensitizers and it is a crucial question whether a cellular in vitro assay can detect protein reactivity of diverse test chemicals. The signaling pathway involving the repressor protein Keap1 and the transcription factor nuclear factor-erythroid 2-related factor 2, which binds to the antioxidant response element (ARE) in the promoter of many phase II detoxification genes, is a potential cellular marker because Keap1 had been shown to be covalently modified by electrophiles which leads to activation of ARE-dependent genes. To evaluate whether this regulatory pathway can be used to develop a predictive cellular in vitro test for sensitization, 96 different chemicals of known skin sensitization potential were added to Hepa1C1C7 cells and the induction of the ARE-regulated quinone reductase (QR) activity was determined. In parallel, 102 chemicals were tested on the reporter cell line AREc32, which contains an eightfold repeat of the ARE sequence upstream of a luciferase gene. Among the strong/extreme skin sensitizers 14 out of 15 and 30 out of 34 moderate sensitizers induced the ARE-dependent luciferase activity and in many cases this response was paralleled by an induction of QR activity in Hepa1C1C7 cells. Sixty percent of the weak sensitizers also induced luciferase activity, and the overall accuracy of the assay was 83 percent. Only four of 30 tested nonsensitizers induced low levels of luciferase activity, indicating a high specificity of the assay. Thus, measurement of the induction of this signaling pathway provides an interesting in vitro test to screen for the skin sensitization potential of novel chemicals.
机译:在市场上投放新的化妆品成分之前,需要进行皮肤致敏性测试,并且需要进行体外测试来替代当前的动物测试。蛋白质反应性是皮肤敏化剂的共同特征,这是一个关键问题,细胞体外测定能否检测出多种测试化学品的蛋白质反应性。信号传导通路涉及阻遏蛋白Keap1和转录因子核因子-类胡萝卜素2相关因子2,它与许多II期解毒基因启动子中的抗氧化反应元件(ARE)结合,是一种潜在的细胞标记,因为Keap1具有证明被亲电子体共价修饰,这导致ARE依赖性基因的激活。为了评估此调节途径是否可用于开展预测性细胞体外敏化试验,已将96种具有已知皮肤敏化潜能的化学药品添加到Hepa1C1C7细胞中,并确定了ARE调节的醌还原酶(QR)活性。平行地,在报告细胞系AREc32上测试了102种化学物质,该细胞含有荧光素酶基因上游ARE序列的八倍重复。在强/极端皮肤敏化剂中,15种中的14种和34种中度敏化剂中的30种诱导了ARE依赖的萤光素酶活性,在许多情况下,这种反应与Hepa1C1C7细胞中QR活性的诱导相平行。 60%的弱敏化剂也诱导了萤光素酶活性,测定的总准确度为83%。在30种测试的非敏化剂中,只有4种诱导了萤光素酶活性的降低,表明该方法具有很高的特异性。因此,对该信号传导途径的诱导的测量提供了有趣的体外测试,以筛选新型化学物质的皮肤致敏性。



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