首页> 外文期刊>Theoretical and Applied Genetics: International Journal of Breeding Research and Cell Genetics >Multi-environment QTL mixed models for drought stress adaptation in wheat.

Multi-environment QTL mixed models for drought stress adaptation in wheat.


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Many quantitative trait loci (QTL) detection methods ignore QTL-by-environment interaction (QEI) and are limited in accommodation of error and environment-specific variance. This paper outlines a mixed model approach using a recombinant inbred spring wheat population grown in six drought stress trials. Genotype estimates for yield, anthesis date and height were calculated using the best design and spatial effects model for each trial. Parsimonious factor analytic models best captured the variance-covariance structure, including genetic correlations, among environments. The 1RS.1BL rye chromosome translocation (from one parent) which decreased progeny yield by 13.8 g m(-2) was explicitly included in the QTL model. Simple interval mapping (SIM) was used in a genome-wide scan for significant QTL, where QTL effects were fitted as fixed environment-specific effects. All significant environment-specific QTL were subsequently included in a multi-QTL model and evaluated for main and QEI effects with non-significant QEI effects being dropped. QTL effects (either consistent or environment-specific) included eight yield, four anthesis, and six height QTL. One yield QTL co-located (or was linked) to an anthesis QTL, while another co-located with a height QTL. In the final multi-QTL model, only one QTL for yield (6 g m(-2)) was consistent across environments (no QEI), while the remaining QTL had significant QEI effects (average size per environment of 5.1 g m(-2)). Compared to single trial analyses, the described framework allowed explicit modelling and detection of QEI effects and incorporation of additional classification information about genotypes.
机译:许多定量特征位点(QTL)检测方法忽略了QTL与环境之间的相互作用(QEI),并且在适应误差和特定于环境的方差方面受到限制。本文概述了在六个干旱胁迫试验中使用重组近交自交春小麦种群的混合模型方法。使用每个试验的最佳设计和空间效应模型,计算了产量,花期和株高的基因型估计值。简约因子分析模型最好地捕获了环境之间的方差-协方差结构,包括遗传相关性。 QTL模型中明确包括1RS.1BL黑麦染色体易位(来自一位亲本),其后代产量降低了13.8 g m(-2)。简单间隔作图(SIM)用于全基因组扫描,以检测重要的QTL,其中QTL效应适合作为固定的环境特异性效应。随后,所有重要的特定于环境的QTL都包含在多QTL模型中,并针对主要和QEI效果进行了评估,而忽略了不重要的QEI效果。 QTL的影响(一致的或特定于环境的)包括8个产量,4个花粉和6个高度QTL。一个产量QTL与花药QTL并置(或链接),而另一个与高度QTL并置。在最终的多QTL模型中,只有一个QTL的产量(6 gm(-2))在整个环境中保持一致(无QEI),而其余QTL具有显着的QEI效果(每个环境的平均大小为5.1 gm(-2)) )。与单项试验分析相比,所描述的框架允许对QEI效果进行显式建模和检测,并纳入有关基因型的其他分类信息。



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