首页> 外文期刊>Tissue engineering, Part B. Reviews >Tissue engineering/regenerative medicine ventures should invest early in market research to understand the future market's needs

Tissue engineering/regenerative medicine ventures should invest early in market research to understand the future market's needs


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In this issue of Tissue Engineering, Part B, you will find the review article, Meeting the Need for Regenerative Medicine Therapies: Translation-Focused Analysis of U.S. Regenerative Medicine Opportunities in Cardiovascular and Peripheral Vascular Medicine Using Detailed Incidence Data, by Tillman et al. I would like to highlight this article, not necessarily for the therapeutic-specific conclusions drawn by the analysis, but for the need for this type of analysis as a critical element in the development of any new venture. Without a firm grasp of the business proposition, the venture is likely to follow a noisy, if not flawed, path. While the need for this clear vision is important to any new business venture, it is especially vital to tissue-engineered products, which have been shown in many cases to be more complex to develop and manufacture. Market research is the tool needed to clarify this vision. Market research is a broad term that encompasses many different techniques (e.g., surveys and focus groups), levels of sophistication, expense, and range from qualitative to quantitative. There is a common goal to all of these: know your customer and the market landscape (competition, trends, etc). Only through a solid understanding of these elements, can one truly appreciate the product's opportunity, value proposition, and benefit to the end user.



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