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Publication of industry-sponsored medical research: guidelines from the Consortium of Laboratory Medicine Journal Editors.


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Recently, the editors of nine leading laboratory medicine journals created the Consortium of Laboratory Medicine Journals Editors (CLMJE) to "complement the efforts of the World Association of Medical Editors and the Committee on Publication Ethics by issuing guidelines and requirements that are specific to laboratory medicine issues" (1). Earlier this year the CLMJE issued a statement regarding the need for full disclosure for industry-sponsored laboratory research publications. The statement was simultaneously published in the journals served by the editors who created CLMJE: Clinical Chemistry, Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, Clinica Chimica Acta, American Journal of Hematology, Clinical Biochemistry, Transfusion, American Journal of Clinical Pathology, and Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation. The statement indicated that the journals in which the statement was published would "require compliance with these guidelines for publication" (1). These guidelines were developed to identify author conflict of interest and their role in the study and to ensure disclosure of manufacturer-specific information on laboratory instruments and assays.
机译:最近,九种领先的实验室医学期刊的编辑创建了实验室医学期刊编辑联盟(CLMJE),以“通过发布针对实验室医学的指南和要求来补充世界医学编辑协会和出版伦理委员会的工作问题”(1)。今年早些时候,CLMJE发表了一份声明,说明需要完全披露行业赞助的实验室研究出版物。该声明同时发表在创建CLMJE的编辑服务的期刊上:临床化学,临床化学和实验室医学,Clinica Chimica Acta,美国血液学,临床生物化学,输血,美国临床病理学杂志和斯堪的纳维亚临床杂志和实验室调查。该声明指出,发表该声明的期刊将“要求遵守这些发布准则”(1)。制定这些指南的目的是确定作者的利益冲突及其在研究中的作用,并确保披露制造商特定信息的实验室仪器和测定法。



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