首页> 外文期刊>Tierarztliche Praxis, Ausgabe K. Kleintiere >Reproductive performance in high producing dairy cows: practical implications

Reproductive performance in high producing dairy cows: practical implications


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Several studies have clearly demonstrated that the fertility of high yielding dairy cows has declined over the past 25 years. The resumption of ovarian activity post partum has been retarded and conception rates have dropped significantly from 55 to 40%. Accordingly, the calving interval has increased from about 385 days to 417 days. The percentage of cows culled because of infertility has risen from 5 to 8% per year. The "subfertility syndrome" is a multifactorial problem. As the negative energy balance and general health status after calving are known to be paramount factors hampering fertility, it is apparent that avoiding both is amongthe most important preventive measures to betaken. Improvement of the energy status by achieving a high dry matter intake and the provision of optimal and well balanced nutrition during the transition period as well as during early lactation are key goals in this effort. To achieve these goals, we should not only calculate the rations on paper, but should also check in the stable to determine whetherthe calculated amount is really being consumed by the cows. Furthermore, veterinarians should use their "clinical eyes" as well as other diagnostic tools to assess the general health status of the cows and to assess at which aspect of the process things are going wrong and need to be adjusted. Besides the control of the negative energy balance and health status, other management factors that need to be maximized include heat detection, cow comfort, insemination technique, time of insemination during estrus and sperm quality. Only if management is on a very high level high milk production and good fertility can be a feasible combination.
机译:几项研究清楚地表明,在过去25年中,高产奶牛的生育能力下降了。产后卵巢活动的恢复受到阻碍,受孕率从55%显着下降到40%。因此,产犊间隔从大约385天增加到417天。因不育而被淘汰的母牛的比例从每年5%上升到8%。 “生育力低下综合症”是一个多因素问题。众所周知,产犊后的负能量平衡和总体健康状况是阻碍生育的最重要因素,因此,避免两者都是最重要的预防贝塔克病的措施之一。通过在过渡期以及早期哺乳期实现较高的干物质摄入量以及提供最佳和均衡的营养来改善能量状况是这项工作的主要目标。为了实现这些目标,我们不仅应计算纸上的口粮,而且还应检查马to,以确定计算出的数量是否确实被母牛所消耗。此外,兽医应使用其“临床眼睛”以及其他诊断工具来评估奶牛的总体健康状况,并评估在过程的哪个方面出问题了,需要进行调整。除了控制负能量平衡和健康状况外,还需要最大化其他管理因素,包括热量检测,奶牛舒适度,授精技术,发情期间的授精时间和精子质量。只有在管理水平很高的情况下,高产牛奶和良好的生育能力才是可行的组合。



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