首页> 外文期刊>Tissue antigens. >Diversity is demonstrated in class I HLA-A and HLA-B alleles in Cameroon, Africa: description of HLA-A*03012, *2612, *3006 and HLA-B*1403, *4016, *4703.

Diversity is demonstrated in class I HLA-A and HLA-B alleles in Cameroon, Africa: description of HLA-A*03012, *2612, *3006 and HLA-B*1403, *4016, *4703.

机译:在非洲喀麦隆的I类HLA-A和HLA-B等位基因中证明了多样性:HLA-A * 03012,* 2612,* 3006和HLA-B * 1403,* 4016,* 4703的描述。

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To examine the genetic diversity in west Africa, class I HLA-A and HLA-B alleles of 92 unrelated individuals from two areas in the Cameroon, the capital Yaounde and the village of Etoa, were identified by direct automated DNA sequencing of exons 2 and 3 of the HLA-B locus alleles and sequence-specific oligonucleotide probe (SSOP) and/or sequencing of the HLA-A locus alleles. HLA-A*2301 (18.7%), A*2902 (10.4%), B*5301 (10.9%), and B*5802 (10.9%) were the most frequently detected alleles, present in at least 10% of the population. A total of 30 HLA-A locus and 33 HLA-B locus alleles, including six novel alleles, were detected. The novel alleles were HLA-A*03012, A*2612, A*3006 and HLA-B*1403, B*4016, and B*4703. HLA-B*4703 contains a novel amino acid sequence that is a combination of the first 5 amino acids of the Bw6 epitope and the last 2 residues of the Bw4 epitope. The addition of 6 alleles to the ever-expanding number of known class I HLA alleles supports our hypothesis that extensive genetic diversity, including previously undescribed alleles, would be observed in this African population. In the Yaounde population, the allele frequency distribution at the HLA-A locus is consistent with distributions indicative of balancing selection. Extensive HLA-A-B haplotypes were observed in this population suggesting that only a fraction of the Cameroon HLA-A-B haplotype diversity has been observed.
机译:为了检查西非的遗传多样性,通过直接外显子2和外显子DNA自动测序确定了喀麦隆首都雅温得和埃托亚村两个地区的92个无关个体的I类HLA-A和HLA-B等位基因。 HLA-B基因座等位基因的3个和序列特异性寡核苷酸探针(SSOP)和/或HLA-A基因座等位基因的测序。 HLA-A * 2301(18.7%),A * 2902(10.4%),B * 5301(10.9%)和B * 5802(10.9%)是最常检测到的等位基因,至少存在于人口的10% 。共检测到30个HLA-A基因座和33个HLA-B基因座等位基因,包括6个新等位基因。新颖的等位基因是HLA-A * 03012,A * 2612,A * 3006和HLA-B * 1403,B * 4016和B * 4703。 HLA-B * 4703包含一个新的氨基酸序列,该序列是Bw6表位的前5个氨基酸和Bw4表位的后2个残基的组合。在已知的I类HLA等位基因数量不断增加的基础上增加了6个等位基因,支持了我们的假设:在该非洲人群中将观察到广泛的遗传多样性,包括先前未描述的等位基因。在雅温得人群中,HLA-A位点的等位基因频率分布与指示平衡选择的分布一致。在该人群中观察到广泛的HLA-A-B单倍型,这表明仅观察到喀麦隆HLA-A-B单倍型多样性的一部分。



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