
Antiphospholipid syndrome: Looking for a refocusing


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The antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) is characterised by thrombotic or obstetric symptoms associated with persistent antiphospholipid antibodies (aPL). Despite an increasing standardisation of aPLs testing, which is prone to strong evolutions due to brilliant progresses in the understanding of APS pathophysiology, the specificity and sensitivity of the epidemiological associations between symptoms and aPLs are highly variable, with persistent strong equivocal evidences probably leading to over-diagnosis, particularly in the obstetrical presentations where consistent association studies are rare and levels of evidence limited. We propose to review the APS definition based on biological mechanisms, to abandon the clinical syndromes which are still molecularly unclassified like "unexplained recurrent pregnancy losses before week 10" and the aspecific markers like classic anticardiolipin antibodies, and finally to narrow APS criteria asa constructive promise for a determined move toward precision medicine. ? 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:抗磷脂综合征(APS)的特征是与持久性抗磷脂抗体(aPL)相关的血栓或产科症状。尽管aPLs检测的标准化程度不断提高,但由于对APS病理生理学的理解取得了突飞猛进的发展,因此易于发生强大的发展,但症状和aPLs之间流行病学关联的特异性和敏感性却存在很大差异,持续存在的模棱两可的证据可能导致-诊断,尤其是在产科表现方面,很少进行一致的关联研究且证据水平有限。我们建议基于生物学机制来审查APS定义,放弃在分子上仍未分类的临床综合征,例如“无法解释的第10周之前的反复妊娠流产”,以及经典的抗心磷脂抗体等非特异性标记,最后将APS的标准缩小为具有建设性的希望坚定地走向精密医学。 ? 2013 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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